Are You Guilty Of 'Digital Blackface'?

Are you guilty of “digital blackface?"

If you are white and an active social media user, you might just be.

Sunday, CNN posted an article warning of the dangers of digital blackface. The act includes, but is not exclusive to, posting a meme or a GIF of a black person while being white.

"If you're White and you've posted a GIF or meme of a Black person to express a strong emotion, you may be guilty of wearing 'digital blackface,'" writes CNN.

For the record: there is nothing wrong with a black person posting a GIF of a white Karen. Digital whiteface is fine to utilize.

That is at least according to CNN, the "news" network.

The article epitomizes much of what is wrong with the corporate press. As we wrote last summer, imaginary racism emerges when the demand for racism vastly outstrips the supply.

“Digital blackface” is a consequence of said phenomenon.

The CNN op-ed also confirms another recent column at OutKick, one that explores the need to incite racial hatred.

There's great incentive in racial animosity. So-called news outlets rely on it. Influencers thrive on it.

Outlets like CNN must keep society inflamed. And it does so by telling minorities, without sufficient proof, that racism plagues their daily lives.

Even on social media by virtue of a GIF.

Hence the article.

The piece also displays the gross hypocrisy of the press. CNN says a white person posting a meme of a black person is "digital blackface."

A film critic recently warned that white people portraying blue aliens in Avatar 2 is a silent form of "cultural appropriation." #BlueLivesMatter.

Other outlets call casting a non-obese adult in a fatsuit for the film The Whale "fat appropriation."


And yet these emotional hemophiliacs defend men dressing up like women and calling themselves female. The hell with womanface.

CNN is not a serious outlet. And "digital blackface" is a made-up issue on the basis of a scarcity of actual racism in America.

Written by
Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.