Texas Sues Pfizer For Misrepresenting COVID Vaccine Claims, Censoring Americans
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Thursday that he's suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for "misrepresenting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy."
It's about time.
Paxton issued a news release describing in detail how Pfizer systematically misled the public about vaccine efficacy as well as attempting to "censor public discussion" about their mRNA products.
"The pharmaceutical company's widespread representation that its vaccine possessed 95% efficacy against infection as highly misleading," the letter reads. "That metric represented a calculation of the so-called 'relative risk reduction' for vaccinated individuals in Pfizer's initial, two-month clinical trial results. FDA publications indicate 'relative risk reduction' is a misleading statistic that 'unduly influence' consumer choice."
It continues, "Pfizer was also put on notice at that time that vaccine protection could not accurately be predicted beyond two months. Nevertheless, Pfizer fostered a misleading impression that vaccine protection was durable and withheld from the public information that undermined its claims about the duration of protection."
That's damning in and of itself. But Paxton accuses them of perhaps an even worse inaccuracy: claiming that the vaccine stopped transmission and infection.
"And, despite the fact that its clinical trial failed to measure whether the vaccine protects against transmission, Pfizer embarked on a campaign to intimidate the public into getting the vaccine as a necessary measure to protect their loved ones."
Sure enough, the mRNA vaccines failed to live up to what the company claimed it would accomplish. In spectacular fashion.

PUURS, BELGIUM: A general view of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer on November 10, 2020 in Puurs, Belgium. Pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced positive early results on its Covid-19 vaccine trial and has proven to be 90% effective in preventing infection of the virus. (Photo by Jean-Christophe Guillaume/Getty Images)
Pfizer's Inaccurate Claims Caused Immense Damage
Just last year, a Pfizer executive admitted that they had no idea if their vaccine would stop transmission.
Yet they made repeated, public claims that it would regardless. All in an effort to coerce governments, "experts" and politicians into making vaccination seem like an externally beneficial, altruistic action. And those institutions were more than happy to oblige. Even into 2023, as tracked by X account No College Mandates, more than 70 colleges are still enforcing vaccine mandates. Based on Pfizer's unjustified misinformation.
By now, virtually everyone outside of these elite administrators has long since accepted that the vaccines never provided protection against infection. Something that was obvious almost immediately after they achieved widespread uptake. Countries like Singapore and Iceland saw explosive growth in COVID cases in 2021, many if not most, coming from vaccinated individuals.

Yet instead of apologizing, admitting their mistakes and acknowledging they were wrong, Pfizer doubled and tripled down. Releasing booster doses that were unproven and ultimately mostly ineffective.
And as Paxton highlights, they engaged in malicious censorship efforts in an attempt to silence anyone who pointed out their mistakes or outright falsehoods.
The First Step On The Long Road To Accountability
"When the failure of its product became apparent, Pfizer then pivoted to silencing truth-tellers," Paxton writes. "The lawsuit notes: 'How did Pfizer respond when it became apparent that its vaccine was failing and the viability of its cash cow was threatened? By intimidating those spreading the truth, and by conspiring to censor its critics. Pfizer labeled as 'criminals' those who spread facts about the vaccine. It accused them of spreading misinformation.' And it coerced social media platforms to silence prominent truth-tellers.'"
Paxton also highlights how the Biden Administration "weaponized the pandemic" to "force illegal public health decrees on the public and enrich pharmaceutical companies."
Truer words have never been spoken.
Biden and his team attempted to force through vaccine mandates on private businesses based on Pfizer's misinformation. It was an unacceptable and ultimately illegal overreach that never had any remotely justifiable basis. A cozy, revolving door relationship between federal regulators and vaccine manufacturers helped lead to rubber stamping behavior and unlabeled public lobbying.
Pfizer was repeatedly and profoundly proven wrong; their vaccine was never close to 95% efficacy, declined rapidly, required multiple boosters, even by their own admission, and had no idea of whether or not their shot would stop transmission.
Yet that didn't stop CEO Albert Bourla from saying it was "100% effective in preventing COVID-19 cases."
To this point, they've escaped virtually any accountability for their actions. Instead securing hundreds of millions, if not billions, in extra profits from governments rushing to purchase and mandate their product based on inaccurate claims. To prevent this kind of objectively damaging behavior from happening again, they must answer for what they did. And for silencing those who criticized them.
Hopefully that started Thursday.