Royals' Whit Merrifield Shares The Importance To Play, As Three MLB Games Were Postponed.

After the controversial shooting of James Blake, NBA players boycotted playoff games that quickly turned into MLB games being postponed. The moves were largely praised on social media, but some players thought the games should be played. Kansas City Royals second baseman Whit Merrifield would lead the charge and Twitter has tried bullying opinions like these out of existence.

It's anti-American to expect everyone to think and act in unison. Merrifield dared to speak his mind anyway:

There seems to be two sides to this argument:

Chances are that cancelling professional sports won't have an impact on social justice in this country. If anything, people who need a break from the hysteria of this year feel they're being robbed of an escape. The other side desperately wants to claim a need for sports as a pick for athletics over human rights exercise. It's lazy and happening all over Twitter.

Whit Merrifield acknowledges that he is nothing more than an entertainer that provides a release from the stresses people are going through. That's why he considered the health risks of playing and decided it was necessary.

Half the country believes we should always look to improve this great country, but boycotting everything we love about it makes our time miserable. The other half thinks taking away what we love will start a conversation. It's pissing people off. We're driving further away from connection to sit down face to face to conduct tangible solutions. Sports can be played and real solutions can be found. It's possible.

Merrifield will be ripped online. Ignore it.

Whit Merrifield spoke thoroughly over his feeling of "responsibility" to this nation to play. Unique opinions in a polarized time of COVID and an election year are frowned upon.

A nation of young people that believe they're stepping up for our future generations by causing a ruckus. Disrupting anything at all that brings this country peace in order to gather eyeballs for an "uncomfortable conversation." It's a ploy Colin Kaepernick used, and it failed. It continues to fail, yet we refuse to come up with real plans before we take action.

The NBA gathered and came to the conclusion quickly that their boycott wasn't going to influence police brutality, so they decided to play. They acted by threatening the harmony of the NBA postseason to fix a problem they didn't have any plan on HOW to solve.

We all can get better and having guys think the way Whit Merrifeld thinks in baseball can help save sports and start talking change where it actually matters. Off the field.

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Gary Sheffield Jr is the son of should-be MLB Hall of Famer, Gary Sheffield. He covers basketball and baseball for, chats with the Purple and Gold faithful on LakersNation, and shitposts on Twitter. You can follow him at GarySheffieldJr