Rhodes College Alumni Want Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Out Of School’s Hall Of Fame

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett reached the highest level in the American judicial system. That should be cause for celebration for the college that produced such an incredible scholar.

But alumni at Rhodes College want her tossed out of the school’s Hall of Fame for helping to overturn Roe v. Wade. Barrett earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in 1994 at the liberal arts college in Memphis, Tenn.

The alumni group is led by Rob Marus (Class of ’97), who also started a Facebook group opposing her appointment to the Supreme Court when she was nominated by former President Donald Trump.

Marus wrote on Facebook on Friday that he was forming two initiatives in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The first is “creating the ACB Fund for Access to ensure that pregnant people in Memphis and across the Mid-South can continue to gain access to the healthcare services they need.”

He does not specific why overturning Roe v. Wade denies “pregnant people” access to healthcare.

The second is to remove Amy Coney Barrett from the Rhodes Hall of Fame because she has “demonstrated an egregious lack of fidelity with the Rhodes Honor System.”

Elsewhere in his post Marus claims that Barrett has stripped away a “fundamental right.” Marus also states that unlike Barrett, he and other alums support the school’s values of “Truth, Loyalty, and Service,” the school’s Honor Code, and “bodily autonomy and basic human rights.”

It’s unclear if anyone at Rhodes appointed Marus to interpret the school’s values in this way, or if the Honor Code actually states that abortions are a basic human right.

Amy Coney Barrett Has Been A Target Already

Targeting conservative Supreme Court Justices has become commonplace across the country in recent months, with little being done to protect them.

Rhodes College alums and students have attempted to smear Coney Barrett in the past. The aforementioned group opposed her appointment to the Supreme Court, as well as some student(s) vandalizing her portraits in the school’s Hall of Fame.

According to KWAM NewsTalk Memphis, last month two Barrett portraits were found to have been defaced. One had the words “Go F*ck Yourself” scribbled on it. Another featured Barrett as the devil, along with more profane language.

Amy Coney Barrett has ascended to the highest heights of her profession and deserves to be celebrated. However, people who have achieved much less in their lives have decided to make it their mission to tear her down. It’s a sad day for Rhodes College.