Poll: Public's Trust In Biden To Provide Accurate COVID Information Is Tanking
The hits just keep coming for President Joe Biden and his war on COVID. In a new poll released by Axios, the public's trust in Joe Biden to provide accurate COVID-19 information is tanking at a drastic rate. With just 45% of poll respondents saying they have a great deal or a fair amount of trust in Joe Biden to provide accurate COVID information, the White House has a clear problem on its hands.
"Americans have become a bit less worried about living their lives. The respondents who see large risk in airline travel, dining out or visiting family and friends are at their lowest shares since mid-July," Axios reports.
That's right, people are fighting back against a virus be getting busy living life. Stadiums are full. Concert venues are active. TSA checkpoint statistics show that air travel isn't completely back, but it's closing in on pre-COVID levels. Even Canada is trying to lure Americans north with airline travel deals, if you're willing to be tracked while inside the country.

Meanwhile, Biden is throwing out numbers like a 97% COVID vaccination rate before the country can return to a pre-COVID normal. “I think we’ll get awful close,” Biden told reporters Monday. “But I’m not the scientist. I think one thing is for certain: a quarter of the country can’t go unvaccinated and us not continue to have a problem.”
Biden's trust on COVID, according to the Axios poll, is down 11% points with Democrats and 17% points amongst independents and 10 points with Republicans. 81% of Democrats now trust Biden with his COVID information while 42% of independents trust him.
And while Biden and his media friends prepare to freak out parents over Halloween trick-or-treating, Axios notes that 68% of those polled "see little or not risk" in sending out kids to get candy. That number was 51% a year ago.
“I wouldn’t necessarily go to a crowded Halloween party, but I think that we should be able to let our kids go trick-or-treating in small groups,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told Face The Nation.
As for the CDC, it's trust level is now at 64% and state governments are at 50%. The federal government trust level is at 49%.
While the government's trust level has been tanking, Clay's been all over the subject of Biden and his inability to be a straight shooter on COVID.
“The facts and the data are clear. But we still have the Biden administration, which has been 60 or 90 days behind the data, being unwilling to address the American public honestly,” Clay told Tucker.
“If you look at Israel and England, two countries that are far more vaccinated than we are, they are setting hospitalization records and case records, even now. So this idea that if we had 100 percent of the country vaccinated, COVID would go away, is just not true.
“The Biden administration has been lying to us, and nobody is willing to point this out.”
“What can we do to win against this COVID insanity? I think every single person needs to live their life 100 percent normal. And I think the American public is becoming aware that COVID’s never going to disappear. This zero COVID infatuation is a lie; it’s never going to happen.
“It’s going to become an endemic virus that is with us for the rest of our lives, and at some point as Americans we have to make the decision to live our lives without fear.”