News Flash: These Immigrant Protests Aren't Going To Move The Needle With Trump; Time To Go Home
Illegal immigrants and their sponsor sympathizers stage a "day without immigrants" as a form of protest against Trump’s enforcement of immigration law.

They conveniently, yet erroneously, left out the "illegal" part in their advertisement of such a day, likely due to the fact a day without illegal immigrants sounds like, well, the point of that whole November 5th election thingy.
But nevertheless. They protest.
They block traffic, wave Mexican flags, burn American flags, and antagonize and harass folks just trying to go to work and school.
I mean damn, if these "protesters" love beautiful and perfect Mexico so much, why are they in America protesting against deportations back to beautiful and perfect Mexico…?
Like, just go there and save yourselves the sharpies on your stupid banners!
Talk about ingratiating favor, they are really doing themselves zero favors.

Other than with certain Democrats who have vowed to harbor illegal aliens in their homes.
Though I'd imagine that’ll last about as long as the cultural enrichment of the 5-hour Martha’s Vineyard migrant dump of 2022.
But none of these protests or boycotts really matter at all.
Illegal aliens will be deported because they broke the law, and they have no right to be here. It’s simple.
And for the avoidance of doubt, there is nothing more important than our national security. Not blueberries picked cheaper. Not toilets cleaned for less. Not guacamole. Not Corona. Not future voters for Democrats.
And it’s not up for discussion, either.
So to the illegal aliens and their sponsors who have this delusion that a protest or a "day without immigrants" will somehow change the policy, you’re wrong.
Save your time and energy. You’re gonna need it where you are going.
And those are my Final Thoughts.
Final Thoughts Sponsored by Good Ranchers