New York School Gives Graphic Sex-Ed Classes To 5th Graders
The Waldorf School in Garden City, New York is reportedly teaching inappropriate materials to fifth graders.
That's the assertion from parents threatening to pull their children out of the school for newly mandatory sex education materials.
According to the New York Post, the school's new curriculum is called "Our Whole Lives," and was just announced to parents a few months ago.
The curriculum reportedly contains illustrations of oral sex, anal sex and masturbation. In classes targeted to fifth graders.
The school is also using a book called "It's Perfectly Normal," which has materials that outraged parents.
“It made me physically nauseous,” one parent explained to the New York Post. “There’s a whole page on contraception and vaginal and anal sex and more about how it’s perfectly normal. This is clearly agenda-pushing and it’s so outrageous.”
"Agenda-pushing" has become an all too frequent hallmark of the modern education system. A school district in Oregon recently was exposed for teaching lessons on pornography to students.
The University of Texas also recently came in for criticism for redefining the word "women"

UT Tower Campus Courtyard Nice Morning Sunshine on the University of Texas at Austin with the UT Clock Tower in the background standing tall on a nice clear Sunny Blue Sky morning. (Getty Images)
Schools Pushing Sexualized Agenda
Progressive schools are becoming increasingly open about their efforts to ensure children conform to left wing ideology.
One parent told the Post that the Waldorf School has their child talking about "pronouns" and "oral sex."
“But now this ideology is becoming the forefront of the school’s focus. I’m all for diversity and inclusion but it takes on a whole new tone when your little kids come home lecturing you about pronouns and asking about oral sex.”
Teachers have also reportedly told students to conduct lessons assuming they woke up “with a body and gender identity different” from their own.
How is this remotely necessary for fifth graders to receive a proper education?
It isn't, of course, but that's not the point. Woke schools are not trying to educate children, but indoctrinate them.
Progressive beliefs and views are more important than reading, writing and math.
The Post explained that one parent said their children has completely changed after the lessons.
“(Her) play has changed, (her) thoughts have changed, its changed who (she) was as a person, as a 10 year old. When our children bring us something, it’s the time to introduce it, but if you’re forcing it… I don’t want my 10 year old, her play, her thoughts to be different from who she is right now.”
And as terrible as that sounds, that's exactly what woke schools want. For kids to think what they want them to think.