New York City Lost A Huge Number Of Residents Since 2020

New York City's problems continue to spiral seemingly every day. And they have progressive policies and activism to thank.

New York has suffered from rapidly increasing crime rates. To the point that comparisons between their failures and San Francisco have become commonplace.


The border crisis caused by New York's presidential choice, Joe Biden, has also caused significant damage.

Sanctuary city policies and fed up Republicans have led to a huge influx of migrants that they're completely unprepared for.

Perhaps the most impactful problem over the past few years however, has been the city's oppressive COVID policies.

Pointless lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures and a discriminatory vaccine passport system caused many to flee for freer states.

Now new data's been released on the city's population changes since 2020, and it shows just how many people have left New York for greener pastures.

The U.S. Census Bureau released the data on Thursday showing that nearly 500,000 people left New York City since 2020. That represents a 5.3% decline in just a few years, a staggering collapse for the nation's biggest city.

New York City's Problems Are Self-Inflicted

While the city lost nearly 500,000 people, Florida gained 655,000 new residents.

Wonder why that happened!

New York is the progressive ideal, a city completely dominated by Democratic politics after Rudy Giuliani left office. As a result, the education system is a disaster, crime has rapidly risen, and many services are blatantly mismanaged.

Mayor Eric Adams purposefully called out border states about the border crisis, only for them to force him to deal with it. With predictably disastrous consequences.

The COVID extremism was the final straw, as many moved south to get their kids in school or keep their jobs.

As a result, the city's population decline ranks as one of the worst of any in the country. One of the only cities doing worse?

San Francisco, of course!

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.