Media Cuts Away as Ron DeSantis Exposes Graphic Content Shown to Children

Ron DeSantis on Wednesday made one of the best 4-D chess moves you’ll ever see.

In response to endless misinformation about Florida’s efforts to protect children in schools, DeSantis held a press conference for major media outlets.

He’s faced purposeful lies from MSNBC and other media figures about his efforts to ensure students aren’t indoctrinated with progressive ideology.

Then the Washington Post published a ridiculous article saying MLB should move spring training out of Florida because of those same efforts.


But Wednesday, he showed how ludicrous media arguments have been in one dramatic, genius move.

DeSantis played a video at the briefing showing images from some of the books parents objected to that were being used in multiple Florida school districts.

WARNING: These videos contain graphic content.

Exposing to the public directly to what exactly these books are telling and showing children was smart enough.

But what was even more impressive was that a number of media outlets were forced to cut their feeds of the briefing because the images were too graphic.

Well, what do you know about that?

DeSantis Exposes Graphic Content Aimed at Children

By forcing media outlets to show the content in books targeted to children, DeSantis exposed how absurd their arguments are.

If this content is too explicit to be shown to adults watching on television during a midday news broadcast, how in the world is it appropriate for children?

The answer, of course, is that it isn’t appropriate.

But media outlets have been attacking him and his efforts to protect children by inaccurately claiming he’s “banning books.”

This briefing showed that far from “banning books,” he’s ensuring pornography and graphic content isn’t available to children in schools.

There’s no reasonable argument to claim that this content is appropriate for kids, yet that’s exactly the position the media will be forced to take.

Their anti-DeSantis bias is essentially going to require a defense of material too explicit to be shown on network news.

4-D chess.

You have to wonder if the media will slowly back away from these inaccurate stories now, after their political bias was so artfully exposed.

Or maybe they’ll continue defending showing content so explicit that FCC rules don’t permit it on air to children. That’s sure to be a winning message to parents.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.