Mainstream Media Bias Shows It's Become Acceptable To Demonize And Vilify White People | Tomi Lahren
Our nation faces a lot of threats- a cornucopia if you will - but if you ask Democrats, our biggest threats are climate change, Islamaphobes, and of course, white people.
And that’s why they - along with their comrades in the mainstream “news” media go out of their way to bury stories, tragedies, murders AND manifestos that EXPOSE the rise of anti-whiteness in America.
It’s time for Final Thoughts.
Last week in Las Vegas a white high school student died after he was brutally beaten to death by a group of 15 mostly black teens.
And what was the reason, the excuse for this mob of thugs to pummel this boy to death?
Well 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis was reportedly targeted after he attempted to stand up for a smaller friend after that friend was robbed by the group before they threw him in the trash can.
When Jonathan tried to get his friend’s stolen item back, the mob turned on him and beat him into unconsciousness as he lay there curled up in a ball on the ground. The mob continued to punch and kick him even after he was out cold.
Instead of helping Jonathan or calling the police, bystanders instead recorded the video and circulated it on social media.
This has become the norm and standard practice and that, in it of itself, is gut-wrenching.
This is how young people behave in 2023. Content is king and people, innocent people, are nothing but fodder for views, clicks and entertainment.
No morals. No conscience. No humanity.
And of all the articles that have come out about the tragic and senseless bludgeoning of Jonathan Lewis, I haven’t seen a SINGLE ONE mention race.
I think we ALL know that if a group of predominantly white teens beat a black teen to death, cries of racism would reverberate from the New York Times to the Washington Post and back.
The cries of racism would be DEAFENING.
But since it was a white boy attacked by a mob of mostly black kids, race is suddenly not an important part of the story.
Same goes for the Las Vegas teens who rammed a stolen vehicle into retired police chief Andreas Probst.
Race, left out of the coverage. Why? Real convenient how that works, isn’t it?
I guess “White Lives Matter” doesn’t raise billions in donations quite like the fraud scheme that was and is BLM, INC.
But these attacks against white people are not unusual. They aren’t an anomaly. They just don’t get the coverage.
Anti-whiteness is, indeed, a thing and yeah, it’s a problem.
But for some reason, anti-whiteness is coddled and even celebrated.
In fact, here’s New York’s Attorney General Letitia James doing just that.
It’s become totally acceptable to demonize and vilify white people. It’s become totally acceptable to specifically target white people and have it excused or passed off as a cure for “white privilege” or systemic racism.

People pay their respects at a makeshift memorial for victims at the Covenant School building at the Covenant Presbyterian Church following a shooting, in Nashville, Tennessee, on March 28, 2023. - A heavily armed former student killed three young children and three staff in what appeared to be a carefully planned attack at a private elementary school in Nashville on March 27, before being shot dead by police. Chief of Police John Drake named the suspect as Audrey Hale, 28, who the officer later said identified as transgender. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Look no further than the efforts to bury the Nashville trans shooter’s ANTI-WHITE manifesto…
So here are legitimate questions for the WOKE Left and their friends in the media, isn’t all racism worth condemning? Aren’t all hate crimes worth investigating?
Boy, I sure would hope so.
Those are my Final Thoughts. From Nashville, God bless and take care.