Joe Biden's Team Has Worked For Years To Hide His Mental Decline: REPORT

The presidential debate happened several weeks ago, but the debate over President Joe Biden's declining mental abilities continues unabated. And his performance and deteriorating performance has become so unavoidable that it's forcing major media outlets to cover it, despite their best efforts.

READ: Joe Biden's Decline, Covid Mess Show That Mainstream Media Is Wrong And 'Wrong People' Are Right | Clay Travis

The Wall Street Journal was one of the few to go after Biden's age and mistakes pre-debate, and post-debate, have even more sources willing to discuss it. In a massive new report, the Journal detailed how the administration and personal handlers have worked overtime, for quite literally years, to hide Biden's condition from the public.

Joe Biden Misses Events Due To Age And Fatigue

The Journal's report detailed several concerning events that specifically indicated how concerted efforts have been to hide his condition from the public. According to the story, as far back as the summer of 2023 "…a former top Biden adviser who had met with the president told an associate the meeting was ‘not good’ and that Biden had noticeably aged since they had last seen each other."

That was a year before the debate. Even further back though, Biden's declining abilities caused a problem with one of the US' top allies. 

"German officials, aware of Biden’s fatigue at night, sought to accommodate the president by planning a June 2022 event with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the early evening," the report says. June 2022! Two years prior to the debate, German politicians had to schedule around his inability to stay up past 8pm. The meeting, was supposed to be a "confidential meeting on Ukraine in a relaxed setting." Instead, even with the schedule accommodations, Biden never showed up. German officials were surprised, then amazed when "Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived and announced that Biden had to go to bed."

Again, this was in June 2022. And Biden was already skipping out on important meetings because he was too tired to handle events in the early evening hours. 

Biden Can't Handle Unscripted Events

According to the Journal, his handler's practice of demanding media members use scripted questions in order to give Biden predetermined answers has been in place for years and even in smaller events. Even small donor events have required attendees to "submit their questions for the president in advance." One example the Journal cited was an event in Florida earlier in 2024 that had just eight donors attending. Yet he still couldn't be trusted to answer coherently.

A New York fundraiser last fall was also cited, because Biden "seemed at a loss" trying to "answer questions about the Middle East from people in a photo line," according to the story. An aide was called over to feed him answers in his ear, which he then repeated.

Another New York event in June 2023 saw Biden speak for just a few minutes, then take a small number of scripted questions. One attendee told the Journal they were "struck by how fragile he seemed." Even worse, he "couldn't recall the word for ‘veteran’." Biden then asked the attendees to help him find the word for someone who had served in the Army or Navy. 

Again, it can't be repeated enough that these incidents happened well over a year ago, and no one mentioned them. None of the donors, attendees, no one in the media, no administration officials – no one was willing to speak up and call attention to the obvious signs of decline. 

The Journal confirmed that the White House will pre-determine which reporters they will allow Biden to call on, to ensure that they're prepared to script his responses. As well as giving him sneakers to wear and shorter stairs to climb when in public. 

This has been happening for virtually all of his presidency, and everyone involved has hidden it, lied about it, obfuscated it, or made excuses for it. It's unacceptable and dangerous. And it took an unscripted public appearance past his bedtime, where he couldn't be protected, for it to become apparent to most of the public.  

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.