Former Soccer Player Who Refused to Kneel Allowed to Continue With Lawsuit

A former Virginia Tech scocer player who was allegedly benched for refusing to kneel can continue with her lawsuit.

A judge ruled recently that Kiersten Hening, who played midfield for the university's women's soccer team, will be allowed to proceed with the suit against her former coach.

Hening claimed she was "benched and pressured to leave the team" for her decision not to kneel, according to Fox News.

She sued the coach, Charles "Chugger" Aidair, in 2021, saying that her First Amendment rights had been violated.

Her political views differed dramatically from her teammates about "social justice issues" and Black Lives Matter protests in 2020. She alleged that those differences led to repeated disagreements with Adair.

Hening claims that she was "verbally attacked" by the coach for refusing to kneel during a reading of a "unity statement."

She says Adair accused her of "b--tching and moaning" and repeatedly berated her.

After several games of being benched, conditions became so intolerable she felt forced to quit the team. This happened despite being a significant contributor for multiple seasons prior.

Kneeling Compliance Enforced

Hening's story is eminently believable.

Forced compliance with appropriate virtue signaling measures is now par for the course for athletes.

LeBron James, for example, recently proudly declared that he's "woke."


Universal allegiance with The Message™ has become the only acceptable message for public figures or athletes.

Hening dared to contradict the "social justice" consensus, and was apparently punished as a result.

It's hard to believe how far the sports world has come in just a few years.

When Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, it was a controversial issue. Now standing and showing respect for the United States is a punishable offense.

Woke politics demands allegiance without dissent, and won the cultural debate throughout 2020.

But hopefully Hening will win her lawsuit and provide some recourse against those who were punished for daring to think for themselves.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.