Bill Maher Doesn't Think He Will Ever See Howard Stern Again Because Of Covid Fear
Bill Maher believes he will not see Howard Stern again. Not until his death.
Maher wouldn't mind seeing the old shock jock, but doubts such is possible given the latter's fear of Covid-19 three years later.
This week, Maher discussed Stern on his podcast "Club Random" with comedian Kevin Nealon.
“I always avoided Stern because I knew he put people on the spot and he makes you kind of badmouth other people. But for some reason I started listening to his interviews. He got a lot better at not doing that. But I went on there prepared for anything and he came out and he was so nice. He was so nice to me,” Nealon began.
Bill Maher responded by saying, "I have a long storied history, ups and downs with that man, and it’s just — I find it so sad these days that I can’t see him because of the pandemic."
“And I don’t think I’ll ever see him again because I don’t think he’ll ever leave the house because he’s what? No, you know, he’s very, very — look, I don’t want to judge it, but he’s scared of germs,” on Maher goes.
As Maher, 66, states, Howard, 69, remains petrified of the virus. Stern spent much of 2022 hunkered down in his basement, quivering at the thought that Covid-19 might just kill him.
His only documented escape from said bunker came when he summoned the will to attend a dinner party in the fall. According to the New York Post, Stern has met up with pals only once since 2020, and hasn't since that one adventurous night.
Maher's recent monologues with a center-Right stance on the pandemic, lockdowns, and Hollywood likely prohibited his inclusion at the get-together with Stern, Jimmy Kimmel', Justin Theroux, and Jon Hamm:
Vastly Different Liberal Opinions
Stern and Maher hardly have much in common these days. While both share a deep disdain for Donald Trump, they have taken their liberalism in opposite directions.
Maher often rails against the hysteria, wokeness, and self-owning of the modern-day Left. "My message to the left is when what you're doing sounds like an Onion headline, stop," he often says.
Conversely, Stern embraces what liberalism has come to mean -- whether it be blaming Kirstie Alley's death of colon cancer on her stance on Covid, calling for the unvaccinated to be exiled, or warning of a GOP-led civil war.
We explained the differing trajectories of Maher and Stern in two separate columns last year:
See, Donald Trump's presidency blinded Bill Maher to the Left's insanity. Trump distracted him from the Left's fixation on skin color, blatant hypocrisy, and opportunistic dramatics.
But Maher has had to dig deeper into his bag of content since 2021. Since, he has noticed the fall of the ideology he once championed.
Today, "Real Time" on HBO spends as much time ridiculing the Left as the Right.
Meanwhile, Stern fell victim to Covid hysteria. Not Covid, but Covid hysteria. Here's a synopsis of our column exploring the declining state of the once-gold standard of a radio host:
"How does that happen? How can the same man who lived to stick it to the Man become such a sniveling shill for the establishment and Big Pharma? To understand Stern’s state of mind, you must imagine that you have believed everything Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden, the media, and medical experts have told us about COVID and the vaccine.
"Those like Stern have bought into the lies, they believe that a random Wuhan bat caused this virus that now threatens mankind. Oh, and that a simple, harmless vaccine is the solution to end it all."
Bill Maher is right. He likely won't see Howard Stern again.
Only those who can provide concrete evidence of their uber-vaxxed status should expect to exist in the presence of Howard Stern. Like Jon Hamm.
Otherwise, the frightened weasel is to remain isolated, hidden away from a common cold-like virus.