Antifa Associated Account Forces Sacramento Bar to Apologize For Showing ‘Harry Potter’ Video Game

In a remarkable feat of cowardice, a Sacramento bar caved to pressure after showing footage of the Harry Potter-themed video game Hogwarts Legacy.

Journalist Andy Ngô pointed out that a far left Twitter account associated with Antifa criticized the pubs, Streets Pub and Grub.

Their criticism?

That the bar had the audacity to display a livestream of Hogwarts Legacy, which is set in the world of Harry Potter. The social media count claimed that the game is “racist, antisemitic and transphobic.”

In response to this absurd, inaccurate criticism, the bar issued a groveling apology.

"Our sincerest apologies to those affected by this incident," they stated on social media, adding, "We will make sure to be more careful."

This is just the latest example of absurd hyperbolic attacks on Hogwarts Legacy due to the game’s association with author J.K. Rowling.

Wired gave the game a lowly 1/10 score because not enough “queer” employees worked on it..


Trans Activists Won’t Tolerate Harry Potter

It’s absolutely ludicrous for a business apologize for being even tangentially associated with J.K. Rowling.

Rowling’s defense of women and biological females is not anti-trans, but pro-reality. But reality is under attack by far left activists, with awe-inspiring results.

Corporations, bars, virtually any business live in fear of criticism from left-wing activism. And it leads to absurdist situations where a bar issues a pathetic, cowardly apology for nothing.

Ngô pointed out in another tweet that the Twitter account that made the ridiculous claims has been associated with hateful acts themselves.

“‘Pride Was a Riot Sacramento’ is the same group involved in organizing violent direct actions against women and praising hate crime attacks.”

That’s entirely unsurprising, considering how far left activists frequently promote hateful behavior against women while playing the victim over a video game.

But the Twitter account got what they wanted; a statement of allegiance to woke ideology from the bar.

“Streets has always been a welcoming place in Midtown and we want to stay that way… All of us stand by the LGBTQIA+ community and there is no room for racism or bigotry here,” the statement reads.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.