A-Rod Claims He Shoveled Driveway Full of Snow, Skeptics Come Out In Full Force

There's snow way!

Yankees legend and Minnesota Timberwolves part-owner Alex Rodriguez wants to desperately prove that he’s a totally average guy.

So he posted a photo of himself after “shoveling” snow off his driveway during a Minnesota afternoon. His driveway appeared similar in size to an NBA court.

"First time shoveling my driveway… How’d I do?" Rodriguez captioned the post.

Now, wait a minute.

On a day blistering with snowy temps and nearly 100 yards of hard labor, there was solid reasoning to believe that A-Rod would not take on this kind of challenge when he could just throw money at the issue.

Online critics threw heat at A-Rod, calling out the blatantly relatable-guy poet, something we occasionally get from cultural figures.

As relayed by Axios, a poll conducted on the A-Rod post resulted in 94 percent of people voting that there was no way Rodriguez shoveled his own driveway.

Trying to prove his doubters wrong, Rodriguez posted a video of himself shoveling snow.

Instead, A-Rod came off as a total rook, shoveling snow like a first-timer in his clean outerwear, with nary a snowflake on his boot.

A for effort.