NASCAR Owner, 78, Threatens To Get Violent With Driver After Pit Road Attack

For those wondering if NASCAR owner Richard Childress still had his fastball at 78, don't you worry – he does. 

And it still gets the job done. 

Childress, Dale Earnhardt's old boss and longtime NASCAR team owner, channeled his inner-Earnhardt last night when asked about the ongoing feud between Kyle Busch and Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 

Busch wrecked Stenhouse on the second lap of Sunday's All-Star race after Stenhouse squeezed him (allegedly) into the wall, and Slick Ricky retaliated by cold-cocking Busch in the face after the race. 

It led to an all-out brawl between Busch's team and Stenhouse's crew, and included Ricky's father ultimately attacking Kyle like an absolute psychopath. It was excellent content all around, had the fellas TALKING at the Monday Morning water cooler, and … it may not be over!

Stenhouse vowed to wreck Kyle this weekend at Charlotte, to which Kyle responded by saying … go ahead, we both suck! 

Team owner Richard Childress took a different approach Tuesday night:

Richard Childress knows how to handle things in NASCAR

I'm older, but I've just changed my style of fighting … he'll carry a rough ass-beating.

Just an all-time quote here from a NASCAR legend. You don't get much better than Richard Childress, boys and girls. The guy has been in this sport for like a billion years, was famously Dale Earnhardt's car owner for decades, and he was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2017. 

On top of all that, he also has a history of rough ass beatings! 

Back in 2011, Childress famously told grandson Austin Dillon "hold my watch" and then proceeded to attack Kyle Busch after a truck race. Ironically, the two went into business together nearly two years ago when Busch announced he would be leaving Joe Gibbs Racing and joining RCR in 2023. 

Fast-forward a few years, and the two appear ready to jump into BATTLE together against big, bad Ricky Stenhouse should the former Daytona 500 put Kyle in the wall this Sunday night. 

Let's roll, boys!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.