The Nick Saban Daughter Blackmail Cheating Scandal Takes Another Turn

Was Nick Saban's daughter, Kristen Saban, outed as being a potential cheater this week because the fella who let the cat out of the bag was secretly trying to promote his new song?

Well … there's always a motive. Am I right? If the Scream franchise taught us anything, it's that. 

Not saying this was the motive. But, I'm also not saying it's completely out of the question. 

For those who missed it, James McCoy Taylor – a former contestant on the Bachelorette-turned-country singer – released his new song, Drinking Disorder in Florida, last week. 

Never heard of James? I hadn't either until he outed Nick Saban's daughter on Tuesday. Never heard of that song, either? Me neither. We're not alone. 

Now, internet sleuths have started combing the data, crunching the numbers, and reviewing the tape, and they have put two and two together and decided it equals … BS!

The smoking gun? These lyrics from James' new song:

"Angels and demons 
It’s hard not to mention the tension
Between me and this hottie
Fake blonde hair but a natural body…"

Nick Saban's daughter deletes all social media

Now, you combine those suspect lyrics with an update from James himself on his Instagram story yesterday, and things really get juicy. 

McCoy was passing through Austin, Texas, according to his story, when he decided to hop on the 'Gram and give all of his faithful fans props for really taking in his new song. 

"You put together my new song with some recent things that have been going on, and I am shocked," he said. "I thought no one would really get it, so props to y’all. I’ll explain it soon." 

No need, James. The internet has it all figured out. Bottom line, according to the Scooby-Doo detectives?

You got cozy with Nick Saban's daughter, things went south, you didn't like that, wrote a song about her, needed a little pub, and then stunned the internet by releasing pictures of you guys smooching while also wearing a shirt with Nick Saban wearing a crown on it. 

Sound about right?!

To be fair, they could be right. Let's be honest, that above song has 70 views on YouTube and if you Google it, this is what comes up:

I mean, that's it. Scroll for hours, that's all you'll find. Nothing about a new country song. So, you know, it certainly could use a little pub. 

Look, I have no clue if that's the actual story here. There are three truths to every story – his, hers, and the real one. I'd imagine it's somewhere in the middle here, as it usually is. 

Kristen Saban has deleted both Twitter and Instagram this week, and hasn't said anything besides a passive aggressive Instagram story on Wednesday. Other than that? Crickets. 

I'm sure we ain't done yet. 

Stay tuned!


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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.