Youtube Is Considering Removing The 'Dislike' Button

According to YouTube's Twitter page, the company is now considering removing the 'dislike' button altogether. Removing it would supposedly help content creators "feel good" and make sure they receive zero criticism because it's "bad for their mental health."

What could go wrong?

If this isn't the most 2021 development ever, I don't know what is.

America was already headed this direction with the participation trophies for last place in Little League, so this is just the next step. By 2030, it'll be a misdemeanor to criticize a politician or even a college professor. This whole post-Donald Trump experience is the softest lifestyle we've ever lived and it's all an exponential climb into fantasy land.

One content creator who will probably love this, though, is Justin Bieber. With tremendous success comes a ton of hate and here's some proof: His music video for the song "Baby" tallied up over a million dislikes in its first 24 hours on YouTube. THAT could mess with your head a bit, yet it's still fun.

YouTube says this is an "experiment," so let's hope they ditch babying our youth and allow them to get used to being criticized in life. I also have a feeling today's kids are depressed for other reasons that have nothing to do with YouTube dislikes. Just a hunch.

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Gary Sheffield Jr is the son of should-be MLB Hall of Famer, Gary Sheffield. He covers basketball and baseball for, chats with the Purple and Gold faithful on LakersNation, and shitposts on Twitter. You can follow him at GarySheffieldJr