Washington Post Tries Saying Don Lemon is 'Voice of Reason'

In the past four years, no industry has lost more credibility than the national media, with CNN and the top newspapers leading the way. Thus, when they come together — it's always a treat.

Tuesday, the Washington Post tried to forecast the futures of CNN and MSNBC if Joe Biden — as all three hope — were to defeat President Donald Trump.

While good points were made, one line distracted from the entire piece. It reads as followed:

"Over on CNN, Don Lemon has become one of the network’s voices of reason, a nightly check on the morality and real-world impact of Trump’s policies."

Yes, CNN's Don Lemon, who outside of MSNBC's Joy Reid, is the most radical TV pundit going.

Hilariously, the partisan hack just melted down on CNN last week. Lemon revealed to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's brother, Chris, he is losing friends.

Anyone in Lemon's life — even those he "loves" — who many vote for Trump are gone. Cut out by Lemon himself. The primetime host then compared them to drug addicts who are about to hit "rock bottom."

Per the Washington Post, here's the voice of reason in action:


A few weeks before that episode, Lemon said America must blow up the entire system.

“You know what we’re going to have to do? You’re going to have to get rid of the electoral college,” Lemon argued to Cuomo, again. “Because the minority in this country get to decide who our judges are and who our president is. Is that fair?”


Essentially every night on CNN — with or without viewers — Lemon one-ups himself. In a bad way, of course.

Perhaps, Lemon's fairness and objectivity is appealing to Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Washington Post? Word is, Bezos could buy CNN.

What a combo that'd be.

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Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.