Was Connor Stalions On The Central Michigan Sideline? School Begins Investigation

Central Michigan University announced Tuesday in a statement to OutKick that the school is investigating photos circulating on the Internet purportedly showing now-suspended University of Michigan football staffer Connor Stalions on CMU's sideline during a game against Michigan State.

"We became aware of these photos late yesterday and we are in the process of determining the facts surrounding them. As this process is ongoing, we have no further comment at this time," athletic director Amy Folan said in a statement.

The game in question that Central Michigan will be investigating is a September 1 Central Michigan-Michigan State game. It was a Friday night game in East Lansing. Michigan played Saturday, September 2 at home against East Carolina.

The Stalions investigation has taken multiple wild turns. Last week, a D-III college football coach claimed he was paid to help Michigan cheat. The unnamed source claims he was paid $1,000 to cover expenses and to help steal signs ahead of games.

The coach claims Stalions paid him directly from his Venmo account.