The Two Extra Conference Games Every SEC Football Team Will Play

The SEC announced the two extra non-division opponents each team will have tonight. They are as follows:

Alabama: Kentucky, @Missouri
Arkansas: Georgia, @Florida
Auburn: Tennessee and @South Carolina
Florida: Arkansas, @Texas A&M
Georgia: Mississippi State, @Arkansas
Kentucky: Ole Miss, @Alabama,
LSU: Missouri, @Vanderbilt
Missouri: Alabama and @LSU
Mississippi State: Vanderbilt, @Georgia
Ole Miss: South Carolina, @Kentucky
South Carolina: Auburn, @Ole Miss
Tennessee: Texas A&M, @Auburn
Texas A&M: Florida, @Tennessee
Vanderbilt: LSU, @Mississippi State

The conference is playing a 10-game conference-only slate. The initial thoughts on this are that Missouri got absolutely hosed. Given that they already are playing Georgia, adding Alabama and LSU is as bad as it gets. Mississippi State adding a game at Georgia and Kentucky adding one at Alabama is not lovely news for them either.

Arkansas and Tennessee have absolutely brutal schedules. Arkansas plays Georgia, Florida, Alabama, LSU, Texas A&M, and Auburn. Tennessee plays five of those six -- the only one they avoid is LSU.

In case you weren't brushed up on the preexisting non-division opponents, here's a graphic that includes those plus the new ones:

What are your thoughts?

Written by
Ryan Glasspiegel grew up in Connecticut, graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and lives in Chicago. Before OutKick, he wrote for Sports Illustrated and The Big Lead. He enjoys expensive bourbon and cheap beer.