The Scumbag Lib Media Hates That Speaker Mike Johnson & His Son Are Using Anti-Porn Software

In a sign of the times, liberal media outlets who don't have a problem with boys deciding if they want to have their dicks chopped off have spent the week going after new House Speaker Mike Johnson and his family for NOT consuming porn on their devices.

The libs have been keying in on a 2022 video where Johnson speaks about how he uses an app called Covenant Eyes to track his online usage. The app then would send an alert to his then-17-year-old son, Jack, who was serving as Mike Johnson's accountability partner. Dad would then receive a report on his son's phone usage.

The story is that Johnson determined, in his house, that this was how the father and son would avoid porn while on the Internet.

The usual suspects -- Rolling Stone, the MSNBC nerds, the New Republic libs, Vanity Fair's weirdos, etc. -- have a big problem with this approach.

“Covenant Eyes is the software that we’ve been using a long time in our household,” Johnson said onstage during a discussion on technology at Cypress Baptist Church in Benton, Louisiana.

“So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son. And he’s 17. And so he and I get a report of all the things that are on our phones or all of our devices once a week. If anything objectionable comes up, your accountability partner gets an immediate notice.

“I’m proud to tell you my son has got a clean slate,” Johnson noted. “But we get a report and it says, ‘Hey, no activity of concern.’ And it’s really, really sensitive; it’ll pick up almost anything; it looks for keywords, search terms, and also images, and it will send your accountability partner a blurred picture of the image.”

The Louisiana Congressman even explained how he received one alert from the app that his son had viewed a possibly questionable photo of two women. After further inspection, it was determined by the politician that the women were on a Zoom call.

OMG, Mike Johnson how could you!?!

The New Republic framed this big revelation as "worse than you think."

OMG...tell me horrible is it?

"Aside from the weirdness of having your son watch your porn intake—and vice versa—the implications of having one of the most prominent leaders in government under the watchful eye of an intrusive software have not been lost on some, who believe the app could pose a national security risk," New Republic writer Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling penned so eloquently.

Oh really.

Please explain how the Russians or Chinese are going to use "LSU-Bama Kickoff Time" searches to sabotage the United States.

Pink-haired Ellie never did.

And there's no porn monitoring. Johnson said it clearly in his answer at the Louisiana church.

The libs are twisting Johnson's words in their thirst to destroy the man because he doesn't agree with their political goals including chicks with dicks winning NCAA swimming national championships.

That's the real story here.

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.