TCU Football Coach Delivers Strong Speech About Consent And Sexual Harassment

As TCU football continues its spring practice, its coaches are focused on more than just on-field results. The Horned Frogs staff is working to build great football players, and even better men.

Kaz Kazadi, who serves as the assistant athletic director for football human performance (strength and conditioning coach), is usually in charge of post-practice speeches, especially during the offseason. He often chooses to focus on a message that extends beyond the gridiron.

Earlier this year, Hodges spoke about keeping an edge.

Before the team went on spring break, Kazadi spoke to his team about staying safe. His speech involved fentanyl, drinking and driving, and the importance of keeping out of trouble.

In a video posted over the weekend, Kazadi talked to his team about consent and sexual harassment. He delivered a strong message about how to interact with women both around the athletic department and in every day life.

Kazadi's ethos is formed around respect. He asked his players to think about how they would speak to their own mother or sister before moving forward with an exchange.

Specifically, Kazadi told his players that even if something happened once, it does not open the door for a continued encounter moving forward. It also doesn't warrant an explicit image. In addition, he spoke about how commenting on a female's figure gives the woman every right to turn right around and press charges.

The expletive-laced speech did not hold back. Kazadi called it how it is. He didn't mince his words.

Although people may ask why this conversation needs to be had, or if it is appropriate for a coach to have this conversation with his players, football teams are like family. The players are like brothers, the coaches are mentors and often serve as father figures.

Kazadi's message, though bold and direct, is one that all young men need to hear. In this instance, it is reminder to TCU players that life is much bigger than football.