I Defy You To Watch This Video Of A Random Dude Correcting A Female Golf Coach's Swing And Not Cringe

There are certain activities where random strangers feel more than comfortable offering unsolicited advice. I've noticed that this happens a lot on golf courses or at the driving range.

How do I know this? Because I've got a terrible swing that looks like the bastard child of a snapshot and back spasm, so I've had my fair share of wannabe Jack Nicklauses (Nickli?) try to work out the kinks in my game.

Which is fair, I'm just a very funny and handsome writer, not a professional golf coach like our new friend Georgia Ball is.

According to her TikTok bio, Ball is a PGA professional and offers a link to her coaching services. Plus, her page is filled with videos of her on the links and passing along some tips and tricks.

That's why a dude trying to give her some swing tips while she was at the range, makes for one of the most cringe-inducing videos I've seen in quite some time.

Ball hit one with her iron farther than I could and probably further than you could too, when the guy in the next bay offered a polite, "Excuse me" before letting a PGA pro know what she was doing wrong.

"What you're doing there, you shouldn't be doing that." 

Already, this is not the greatest coaching I've ever heard.

"You should be right through," he continued. "Swing and follow through."

Nothing terrible here. Just a dude offering a little advice as he sees fit. Sure, she didn't ask for it, and I would bet a considerable amount of money that this dude just wanted what dating experts would call an "in" to chat up Ms. Ball.

Still, ultimately harmless and Ball took it in stride.

"Okay, I'm going through a swing change at the moment," she said politely. 

This should have been the signal to the dude to stop talking and cut his losses. The fact that Ball is so aware of the minute details of her swing, should have been all that dude needed to stop his critiquing and offer to buy her a round of mozzarella sticks.

He did not do that.

"No, I know, but what you're doing there is you're coming back too slow," he said.

Then, he said something that made me cringe so hard, I think I heard something in my crack. If I had been at that driving range, I would have jumped on this dude like he was a live grenade and I was about to save my entire platoon from a permanent case of douche chills.

"Y'know, I've been playing gold for twenty years…" before continuing his unwanted coaching sesh.

Oof… guy, If only you realized what you were doing…

The dude told Ball to hit one, which she did, and practically put it into orbit.

"See how much better that was?" the guy said, taking credit for nothing.

They continued to chat with, Ball explaining how players implement swing changes, and the dude went back to his illustrious 20-year golf career… whatever that means.

TikTok is such a cesspool, that it's hard to suss out the real from the phony. If this is fake, it was Curb Your Enthusiasm worthy. 

Like, if after she hit that one shot, the guy may as well have said, "That was pretty, pretty, pretty good."

I love a tasty cringe video, and boy did this one deliver.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.