The Vancouver Canucks Green Men Made A Triumphant Return

After eight seasons out of their bodysuits, two of the most iconic fans in hockey history made their triumphant return.

I am, of course, talking about the legendary Vancouver Cancuks Green Men who made their return to a massive ovation on Saturday night after an eight-year absence.

The two Green Men — two fans named Adam "Force" Forsythe and Ryan "Sully" Sullivan — became legendary for their antics, which always took place next to the visitor's penalty box.

Unfortunately, these two had seemingly hung up their suits, but made a surprise appearance when the Canucks hosted the Boston Bruins, the team that snatched the 2011 Stanley Cup away from them

With Bruins forward James van Riemsdyk sitting in the box as a perfect unwitting victim, Force and Sully made their big return to some much-deserved fanfare.

Those guys haven't lost a step.

If you're unfamiliar with the Green Men, I implore you to check out a highlight reel of their work on YouTube.

You know what? No excuses. Here's one right now:

How great is that?

I normally hate the kind of thing when fans show up and try to develop a character. Like, I would've hated it if someone showed up in a homemade superhero costume with a big VC on the chest and proclaimed "I'm Canuck Man!" and tried to make it a thing where they go around and take pictures with people or do Cameo videos for $50 a pop.

For some reason though, I've always thought the Green Men were hilarious. I think it all comes down to the creativity and the fact that they're like a pair of hockey-loving Carrot Tops the way they work with props.

I'm sure this was a one-time return, but what an awesome surprise on a random Saturday in February.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.