Ukranian High-Jumper Yaroslava Mahuchikh Naps In The Middle Of Competitions, And I Couldn't Be More Impressed
I’m a big fan of naps, they are literally a gift to humanity. I literally cannot think of a time when I took a nap and felt worse afterward, and I’ll take at least a 30-minute snooze.
However, if there was ever a time when you would not find me getting some shut-eye, it would be while I’m playing sports. Whether it was high school basketball, ultimate Frisbee in college, or even spikeball with friends, I’m fully engaged - napping is the last thing on my mind. I’m out there to win, and sleeping does not help me win.

Yaroslava Mahuchikh will literally nap in the middle of competitions. (Photo by Kevin Voigt/GettyImages)
But that’s not how Ukranian high-jumper Yaroslava Mahuchikh approaches resting. If she has time in between jumps, she taps out - and does so in style.
Whenever she’s not jumping, Mahuchikh is napping, which I could never relate to. But she’s not just finding the nearest empty chair, popping a squat, and getting some mediocre-at-best rest.
She literally has a freaking sleeping bag at the ready whenever she wants to take a nap.
Okay, my respect for her went up at least a dozen notches. That’s taking care of yourself at a level that most people wouldn’t dream of. Also, as a nap enthusiast myself, I respect the hustle to get some comfortable shut-eye.
Apparently, the method to her madness works well. She won gold today after jumping a 2.0-meter hurdle (about 6’6"), earning her country’s first such medal.
Sleeping during competition is apparently a good thing, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it - especially if it involves napping.