Trevon Diggs' Season-Ending Injury Made Him Miss His Own Birthday Party At A Beyonce Concert

Season-ending injuries are always a tough break, but for Dallas Cowboys cornerback Trevon Diggs it was made even worse by the fact that it forced him to miss his birthday festivities.

Diggs suffered a torn ACL while participating in a non-contact one-on-one drill in practice on Thursday.

Obviously, that's a terrible stroke of luck for Diggs and a massive blow to Dallas' defense.

Surely, that and that alone would have been a day-ruining thing to have happen, but it got even worse for Diggs.

He turned 25 on Wednesday and had booked a suite at AT&T Stadium (which is probably very easy for him to do) for Thursday night's Beyonce concert.

The injury ruled Diggs out for the chance to see Beyonce which obviously a massive bummer for him.

Now, I'm not a big Beyonce guy (more of a Kelly Rowland guy). However, even if I was a massive fan of Queen Bey, I don't feel like sitting through a few hours of her caterwauling after a season-ending injury would be too much fun.

The Cowboys cornerback, however, is apparently a massive Beyonce fan.

Notice that a silver outfit was mentioned in that tweet. I had no clue why that was relevant.

According to Daily Mail, Beyonce fans are encouraged to wear silver. Why? Because it's supposed to honor her September 4 birthday and zodiac sign, Virgo.

Alrighty then.

But I guess that's not that weird/cultish. I just went to a Megadeth concert last week, just a day or two after Dave Mustaine's birthday. Didn't see too many people wearing silver Virgo get-ups, but I did see a lot of Megadeth t-shirts.

Hopefully, Trevon Diggs gets on the mend and gets out to a make-up Beyonce concert sooner rather than later.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.