'Crazy Plane Lady' Tiffany Gomas Slams Men Competing In Women's Sports As Her Heater Continues

Tiffany Gomas — who, unfortunately, is going to be dogged by the nickname "Crazy Plane Lady" until the end of time — got some heat this week on Terra Firma when she posted a photo of herself in a red, white, and, blue bikini with the logo for Ultra Right beer.

It went about as viral as her plane meltdown (which says something; hell of a job, Tiffany!), so you could've seen it anywhere, but the first place I saw it was in Screencaps because I'm what you call a "company guy."

Given the anti-woke nature of the beer that Ms. Gomas was holding, she clearly knew she was going to get some heat. I mean, you don't write "Wonder how many people I’m gonna piss off with this post" unless you're expecting a bunch of people with no followers to come screaming at you. 

Tiffany was not deterred by woke outrage (no one should be) because how did she choose to follow up the bikini pic that raked in tens of thousands of likes?

How about this little gem:

This was timely too, because Gomas posted that the same day as the Biden Administration's new Title IX guidelines were released.

It is also the way most people feel about the subject, as evidenced by the fact that I had to dig so far down to find a negative comment I was afraid I was going to hit water.

But I found one (a lazy one) and here it is.

Not creative and he can't spell. Good stuff, Phil!

Anyway, it sure as hell looks like the "Crazy Plane Lady," (again, sorry about that, Tiffany, this is just how the internet works) isn't as crazy as we were led to believe!

I mean look at this perfect rebuttal to the progressives' favorite new argument in the trans debate: the "it's such a small number of people, why are you focused on this?" argument, or as I like to call it, the "Why are you so obsessed with me?" defense.

Boom. There you go. What a week for Tiffany Gomas. I think I speak for everyone when I say we look forward to what she's doing next.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.