'The Simpsons' Take Shot At Jim Harbaugh With Sign Gag In Episode About Cheating In Sports

The "Golden Era" of The Simpsons has been over for 25 years, but don't think for a second that the long-running animated sitcom can't still show some teeth. This weekend, those teeth were turned on Michigan Wolverines head football coach Jim Harbaugh.

The series is in the midst of its 35th season, and on Christmas Eve, a new episode premiered called "Do The Wrong Thing." The episode kicks off with Grampa Simpson retiring from his illustrious competitive fishing career (I know; that had nothing to do with any of the previous 750+ episodes, but whatevs). Homer wins the first competition after Bart fills his fish with marbles to add weight and the two go on to hit the blue-collar sports circuit on which they become serial cheaters in sports like rock skipping and cornhole.

Now considering cheating in sports was at the center of the episode (which featured a guest appearance from Dan Patrick). It won't surprise you that Bill Belichick and the University of Southern California were the target of some jokes.

However, they saved one of the best ones for the Michigan head coach.

Given his aptitude for cheating, the episode closes with Bart teaching a Cheating 101 class. And where does he teach that? Well, the Jim Harbaugh Center For Competitive Imbalance.

The Simpsons' Shot At Harbaugh Was Part Of A Solid Article

Not the funniest sign gag in the show's history, but that's a great, topical one. Considering how long it typically takes to make an episode — meaning production likely started well in advance of the Michigan sign-stealing scandal breaking — what a gift that story was for an episode about cheating.

There were other very current jokes. Like this one about the fictional (for now) LIV Pickleball Tour.

All in all, it was a great episode. It's probably one of the better new ones I've seen over the last few years. There are still some foundational structure issues with contemporary episodes that a dork like me gets bent out of shape over— and they were present in this one — but I will spare you those details.

You're welcome.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.