Is Sage Steele To Blame For Dana White Walking Out On Howie Mandel's Podcast?

Back in February, Dana White went viral for walking out on Howie Mandel literally 30 seconds into a podcast taping. Mandel introduced White, gave him nothing but glowing compliments, and White thanked Mandel before saying he was "tired of doing podcasts" and then he got up and just left. 

That led many people to speculate that the whole thing was a coordinated stunt. How could White be tired of doing podcasts less than 30 seconds into a podcast? Was he just TRYING to go viral? 

Well, thanks to some excellent deductive reasoning by Adam Carolla – and some added knowledge and context from recent events – we might have very good explanation for exactly what happened that day. 

Last week, Sage Steele released her podcast episode with Dana White. In the episode, she accidentally calls him "Joe Rogan." 

"What is Joe Rogan's dream?" Steele asks. 

"Did you just think that I was Joe Rogan?" White said. 

"I totally did," she sheepishly replies. 

"She just called me f***ing Joe Rogan. You thought I was f***ing Joe Rogan?!" he asked. "I was bald before Joe Rogan was ever bald." 

Now, what do these two incidents have in common? They almost certainly happened on the same day. 

The Mandel podcast clip came out in February, probably shortly after the episode was taped. However, Sage Steele recently posted on social media that she could "finally … announce her new show." 

There was probably some language in her breakup with ESPN that indicated that she couldn't join another company until a certain time frame had passed. That's speculation, but often occurs in these situations with high-powered media members. 

Though she could begin working on her new project, she most likely wouldn't be allowed to release anything publicly or start making money. So, it's very conceivable that she taped that interview with Dana White back in February but just couldn't air it until recently. 

Here's where a bit of sleuthing comes into play. Adam Carolla noted that Howie Mandel and Sage Steele both host their podcasts from the same building. He said the two studios are actually right next to one another. 

Then, the producers of the show noticed something else: Dana White appeared to be wearing the same clothes in both interviews. Carolla gives a very credible theory of what took place. 

"So, [White] flew out to gang tape," Carolla said, referencing taping multiple interviews in the same day. "'They said, come on out, do Sage Steele's [podcast]. And, as long as you're doing Sage, walk across the hall and [do Howie Mandel's show]." 

Then, Carolla infers that White was still probably upset about the interaction with Steele and just didn't feel like doing another interview at that moment. 

WATCH (courtesy of the Adam Carolla Show): 

This just makes too much sense to not be the case. Not to mention the fact that Howie Mandel actually popped into the end of Steele's interview with White and joked that she also called Howie "Joe Rogan." 

The entire episode of Steele's show is below, but Mandel enters at the very end (1:22:30 mark): 

So, we know that Howie was there that day. And, Adam Carolla apparently just solved one of the Internet's great mysteries. Score one for the Ace Man. 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.