Rice University Has A Designated Gummy Worm Guy

It takes a lot of people to run a football team. Players, coaches, trainers, equipment staff, and more help the team fire on all cylinders. However, Rice University didn't ignore one often overlooked sideline role: Gummy Worm Guy.

Some video made the rounds of social media of a fella on the team's sideline with a giant bag of gummy worms, dishing out his wares to players as necessary.

I've got no idea if those gummy worms are reserved for rewards if anyone who wants one can get one. Either way, that dude is slinging gummies like nobody's business.

Also, the hair, stache, and sunglasses combo is stellar. He's Willy Wonka, if Willy Wonka liked having some beers with the boys and answered most questions with the phrase, "Hell yeah, brother."

Oddly enough, the Owls aren't the first college team to bring gummy worms to the field. Earlier this year, Oral Roberts' first base coach was spotted handing out some worms to players who reached base.

I'm all about this. Gummy worms continue to slice through an ever-expanding array of gummy animals. Sure, gummy bears are up there in the No. 1 spot, but gummy worms are a close second.

Those are the only two you need, bears and worms. As for gummy sharks, spiders, lizards, and more, they're all nonsense.

College football is steeped in tradition so it makes sense that all those Johnny-Come-Lately gummy animals would be ignored in favor of the tried and true worm.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.