Raiders Owner Mark Davis Dances After WNBA Championship And He’s No Fred Astaire

There's a good chance you were busy with more pressing matters, but Game 4 of the WNBA Finals was last night, and Mark Davis' Vegas team won the series for their second-straight championship.

That's all well and good, but the important thing is that the win allowed Mark Davis to dust off his dancing shoes.

The man's moves are every bit as interesting as his haircut.

After defeating the New York Liberty, the Aces circled around the dude who signs their paychecks (probably smart) and right on cue, Davis started cutting a rug...

...kind of.

I'm far from an expert on the topic of dancing. I just flat-out don't get it. It's also way overvalued as a skill.

To me, it's all kind of ridiculous, whether it's Baryshnikov or someone's drunk aunt dancing at a wedding.

Having said that, I still feel comfortable asking the following question: Mark Davis; what the hell was that?

You know how Irish dancers don't move their arms? Mark Davis' dancing technique is like the bizarro version of that, nothing but arms waving like an inflatable tube guy outside of a used car dealership.

I wish the person behind the camera would have thought to get some shots of his footwork because I was getting the vibe that there were some Elaine Benes-style little kicks.

He gets the last laugh I suppose. He owns a middling-at-best NFL team but a world-beating WNBA franchise. I'm sure he wouldn't mind seeing that flip-flop, but hey, how many teams do you own?


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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.