PK Subban Offers Reality Check For Rangers After Disappointing Game 1

The New York Rangers did not get off to a hot start in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Final, losing 3-0 in a game that the Panthers simply seemed better prepared for.

Now, ESPN commentator and former Norris Trophy-winner PK Subban has some strong words for the Rangers ahead of Game 2, and they need it because if they drop two straight at Madison Square Garden, that's a heck of a hole to dig out of.

Subban unloaded his reality check during an appearance on The Pat McAfee Show.

"If I was the coach of the New York Rangers, I would've had these guys eating nails for breakfast, lunch, and dinner all week," he said. "I would've been shooting pucks having them blocking shots with their faces, I'd have been having them just do all-out war — dog fights in the corner — because that's what this series is gonna be."

Alright… I think we have our answer as to why no one has hired PK to coach in the NHL yet, but he raises a good point. The Florida Panthers are a nightmare to play against.

Everyone knows this. I knew it — mentioned it at the beginning of the postseason when we were ranking first-round series by intrigue level — and I'm an idiot.

A handsome idiot who was a Central Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League All-Star, but an idiot nonetheless.

So, that's why the Rangers not showing up ready to play that kind of game from the start of the series is kind of wild. We all know they can do it even if knuck-chucking prodigy Matt Rempe wasn't in the lineup.

Subban said that it's up to some of the Rangers' depth players to bring the energy moving forward, but noted that it was an issue for the entire team.

"Everybody has got to be pulling on the rope this time of year, and that's the only bright spot for the Rangers, is that they can probably take [Game 1], toss it in the trash."

We'll see if the Blueshirts turn things around when Game 2 gets underway on Friday night.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.