Olympic Opening Ceremony Appears To Mock Last Supper With Drag Queens
I dug the opening ceremony for the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris way more than I thought I would. Sure, about 75 percent of that was Gojira's appearance, but I thought, for the most part, it was very good.
For the most part.
There's a part of the show that has people talking, and not in a positive way.
The part we're talking about is when the opening ceremony tipped its cap to Paris' role in the fashion industry.
Well, that seems harmless, how could this possibly go wrong?!
Well, if you guessed they'd "goof on Da Vinci's The Last Supper, but staged it with some fat lady in Jesus' place and a bunch of trans and drag performers in place of the Apostles," that's a very specific, albeit completely accurate guess.
I mean… if that wasn't intentional, then it was maybe the coincidence to end all coincidences.

Leonardo Da Vinci's <i>The Last Supper.</i> (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images)
As you'd expect, lots of people were offended by everything about this, from fat lady Jesus (definitely not her last supper, and maybe not even her first that evening) to the drag performers shoehorned in for some embarrassing attempt at… I'm not even sure what it was. Being edgy? Mocking Christianity? Who even knows?
First of all, we've got to play everyone's favorite game: "Would This Fly If They Were Making Fun Of Any Other Mainstream Religion?"
The answer, of course, is an emphatic no.
It's really starting to get insane. The constant barrage of drag is absolutely everywhere. I mean, we just had the sitting Vice President and presumptive Democratic nominee telling people to vote surrounded by drag queens! It's virtually inescapable.
Personally, my outlook has always been that if that's what you're into, have fun. I've had friends who were into this kind of thing, and if that's what makes them happy, that's great.
However, the keyword is makes "them" happy. It doesn't mean bringing everyone else along for the ride whether they like it or not.
Leave kids out of it (the Olympics couldn't even do that) and leave me and anyone else who isn't into dudes dressing up as caricatures of women to go about our business.
For some reason, that deal isn't accepted, which is wild, because that seems more than fair.
Nope, here's a bunch of drag performers clowning one of the largest religions in the world at the Olympics, no less; an event that does nothing but talk about how it unifies the world!
I'll continue to watch the Olympics because I love sports and love cheering on the athletes representing our country. But I'm really getting tired of the Olympics' grandstanding form of calling for unity, only to intentionally alienate millions of people because a couple of people who put together the opening ceremony wanted to be edgy, probably they either A). hate themselves, B). hate their parents, C). hate everyone but themselves, or D) all of the above.
I'd probably bet on option D.
It's unfortunate because before it took that left turn into Blasphemyville, it was a pretty good opening ceremony…