Olivia Dunne Can't Attend Classes At LSU For Safety Reasons

LSU gymnast Olivia Dunne is a bonafide superstar both in the gym and out of it, but that has come with an unfortunate side effect.

Dunne revealed in a profile published by Elle that for safety reasons, she no longer attends classes at LSU.

“There were some scares in the past, and I just want to be as careful as possible,” Dunne told Elle. “I don’t want people to know my daily schedule and where I am.”

While that's unfortunate for Dunne, you can understand why she — the highest-paid female athlete from NIL — would need to take this step in the name of safety.

Dunne revealed that she is careful when she walks around campus where she said fellow students coming up to her for photos is commonplace.

This isn't the first time concerns about Dunne's safety have been in the news.

In January, Dunne and the LSU Tigers gymnastics team were on the road in Utah, However, during the meet, throngs of Dunne's rabid fans swarmed the arena. While many simply held up signs and cheered on the Tigers (despite Dunne not competing that day) some fans reportedly got out of hand.

After the meet, there were claims that some of the fans had gotten unruly and harassed other gymnasts. This incident caused enough concern that the LSU gymnastics team traveled with increased security measures following the meet in Utah.

Also earlier this year, the gymnast told Today that she has been on the receiving end of threatening comments online saying about the situation that "it is a bit concerning.”

While it's unfortunate that Dunne and LSU have to take steps like this, it underscores how much of a massive star she is these days.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.