Meet The Hottest Wives In NASCAR, Dale Jr. Returns With A Bang & A Brawl And Show THIS To Your Liberal Aunt
Like a high school football team after a big year, NASCAR held its annual end-of-season banquet over the weekend in Charlotte.
And, like a bunch of high school chicks in the hallways between third and fourth period, we are going to GOSSIP about it!
That's right. It's my favorite day of the year. My favorite class of the year. Breaking down the hot NASCAR WAGs – the old, the new AND the mysterious – is a tradition unlike any other, as Jimbo Nantz would say.
This is our Super Bowl. It's where I make my money. Not a lot of it – Trump ain't in office yet, so the economy hasn't exactly rebounded – but money nonetheless. A paycheck. Food on the table.
It's where this blog separates itself from the rest of the woke BS NASCAR blogs on the internet.
On my deathbed – or when I inevitably get fired, whichever comes first – when they ask me what I'm most proud of from my time at OutKick, I will tell them, ‘breaking down the hottest NASCAR wives, girlfriends, and sisters every November.’
And I will 100% mean it.
So, let's get to the film-room, throw on the tape, and Monday Morning Quarterback the HELL out of Monday Morning Pit-Stop. Vroom vroom!
Oh yeah … we'll also talk about Dale Jr. returning to the racetrack over the weekend for you racing purists out there AND we had a FIGHT. See? We won't be all boobs today. A little? Sure. But not all. We have some class, after all.
OK, four tires, enough Sunoco racin' fuel to get me to Charlotte and back for the big banquet, and maybe a welcome bag for Chase Elliott's girlfriend, because she's the new kid on the block ‘round these parts … Monday Morning Pit-Stop – the ’NASCAR Wives Unleashed' edition – is LIVE!
Age is but a number
I mean, no use in waiting till the end today. Forget the engagement numbers! You're already here, and you ain't leaving any time soon.
Let's spin the wheel and start with … the old and the new!
First, the old. Martin Truex Jr. has retired. He's done. Gone. Poof. Never to be seen him again … except next year's Daytona 500, in which he will race. After THAT, though? He's DONE!
Anyway, he seemed truly miserable this season, hasn't won a race since New Hampshire … in 2023! … and is probably thrilled to be riding off into the sunset. Lord knows I would be if I had Emily Collins waiting for me back at home:
Nurse Emily! She's back in the spotlight after a quiet year – her first as MTJ's public girlfriend – so it's good to see her again!
Enjoy retirement, Martin (except when we see you in two months)!
While MTJ's on his way out, there are a couple notable young-guns just starting out. Carson Hocevar, who actually had a decent rookie season in the Cup Series, had a big red carpet debut, as did Xfinity (Busch) driver Jesse Love.
BIG debuts:

New is always better …
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nellie! Larry Mac always told us to pull our belts tight, and I think we're gonna have to do that today.
What a couple additions to this award-winning column! We're always looking for the Next Gen around here, and Holley Hollan and Georgia Kryssing are just what the doctor ordered.
Can't believe these two have flown under the radar for this long. Well, I can – we don't exactly talk a ton of Carson Hocevar and Jesse Love around here – but that ends TODAY.
This has now become a Hocevar and Love blog, which folks may confuse with a law firm moving forward, but I don't care. Get on board, or get out!
Next? While we're talking about newbies on the NASCAR WAG scene, let's welcome Chase Elliott's super secret, mysterious girlfriend BACK to class.
Come on down, Ashley!
… but then again, the classics always hold up
We don't get to see Ashley often, but we always appreciate her making time for us.
And for those counting at home, this was her first trip to the NASCAR red carpet. She and Chase are clearly getting serious, which probably explains why he had a solid rebound season.
I've often said that Chase is taking the Dale Jr. path, and I stand by that.
He burst on the scene as a young rook, was a firecracker, won a title, is always the Most Popular Driver (he won again Saturday), but then, inevitably had an awful season because he was a hot-head.
That was last year. Last year was awful for Clyde.
But then, he meets a nice girl who settles him down – Ashley is a sweetheart by the looks of it – and just like that, he's BACK. And he nearly won another title this year.
A tale as old as time. The Dale Jr. path! More on Junior in a bit.
But first? While the newcomers are nice, the classics always – ALWAYS – get treated with respect around here.
Gianna, Jenna, Katelyn … what a weekend!
Best of the rest!
Hooters Gianna may have lost her crown, but she didn't lose her fastball. Never has, never will. Big month coming up for her and Blaney, too.
Remember … December and January are unofficially known as #NASCARWeddingSZN, which is an absolute content MACHINE. Strap in. Can't wait.
PS: No Sam Busch this year. Sad. The Busch Clan opted instead to attend yesterday's Broncos-Raiders game.
We missed you, Sam. Vegas got lucky, though!
Maybe next year, Sam! You get a pass this time around. Veteran rest day. I get it.
OK, let's get to the best of the rest before we end today's talk with some Dale Jr. porn (not that kind, you animals).
First up? My favorite yearly picture of Tiny Ty!

Dale Jr. made the world whole again on Saturday
Welcome to the show, Chloe Henderson! Wasn't the best year for Alex Bowman – I think at one point he was on the trading block? – but he finished strong, and he's now got a full offseason with Chloe to look forward to.
Life ain't bad for Bowman the Showman. At all.
PS: how about veteran crew chief Paul Wolfe? Didn't see that one coming!
Whew. What a weekend! My favorite NASCAR weekend of the year, by far. Ain't even close. The WAGs came out to play once again this year and brought it strong. They always do. Glad we here at MMPS can give them the respect they deserve, while the rest of the woke NASCAR media goes on vacation.
Did they bring it strong or WHAT? Lemme know!
OK, on the way out, let's check in with Dale Jr, who ran the No. 8 Bud machine for the first time in nearly 20 years Saturday in Florence.
And buddy, if those above gals didn't turn ya on, I promise this will:
My God. Chills. Ain't nothing like seeing the 'ol No. 8 Bud Chevy back in action. And by the way, Dale started 40th (!!!) before getting all the way up to second before blowing an engine.
And if THAT didn't give you DEI flashbacks, I don't know what will!
On the way out, let's check in with the other grassroot racers on the track at Florence:
America is healing, baby! First Dale Jr. is back in the DEI (not the woke kind!) No. 8, and then we get a solid brawl on the frontstretch.
Trump's America is already so much better than Biden's. Not even close.
Take us home, Larry Mac!