Lamar Jackson, Zay Flowers Have Their Minds Blown By Magician At Preakness

There's been a trend lately of magicians blowing athletes' minds to smithereens. It continued last weekend at the Preakness with Baltimore Ravens stars Lamar Jackson and Zay Flowers serving as assistants.

I don't know what it is about NFL players and magic, but they go together like Penn and Teller, Siegfried and Roy, or Roy and white Bengal Tigers (alright, that last one was a bad example). 

Over the last few years, turning magicians loose in locker rooms and team meetings has become viral content gold, and we even saw it happen on the last season of Hard Knocks with mentalist Oz Pearlman mind-freaking the New York Jets like some kind of Criss Angel without all the Hot Topic nonsense. 

The magic man on hand was Carl Michael. If that name sounds familiar, he's the guy who freaked out Jets cornerback Sauce Gardner so bad at the Super Bowl earlier this year that he swore off the entire City of Las Vegas.

Think about that for a second.

Let's see how it went, but hopefully, he didn't freak out Jackson and Flowers so bad that they pledged to never return to Baltimore.

That would be a big problem for the Ravens.

FYI, there's some magic-induced NSFW language in this clip.

Impressive stuff and just the right level of shocking. Those guys won't be freaked out about being in Baltimore which is good. I don't think the Ravens would be too pumped if the reigning MVP saw some sleight-of-hand at a horse race that changed him so much he requested a trade.

Although I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd like to see Ray Lewis handles tricks like this.

I still don't really know what Sauce Gardner saw but it changed him. He tweeted about his experience watching Michael transform a card into a block of glass.

We're a few months away from NFL camps getting underway and that's like the Super Bowl of doing magic for athletes. Hopefully, we'll see some more magic this then… although I don't think Sauce Gardner would agree with that.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.