Kirk Cousins Is An 'Oppenheimer' Guy; Travis Kelce Apparently Isn’t Big On History

Kirk Cousins is a big history guy, while Travis Kelce is... well, definitely not.

Some of the stars of the Netflix documentary series Quarterback gave their picks for which movie they'd rather see this weekend: Barbie or Oppenheimer.

The NFL posted their red carpet picks to their social media accounts to celebrate the biggest double-feature since double-features stopped being a normal thing: Barb-enheimer.

"Both are gonna be great," Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes said. "I'm probably going to have to watch Barbie with my daughter, so I'm gonna watch that one."

Mahomes might want to know that despite the Barbie branding, that flick is rated PG-13. Probably nothing too serious in it, maybe it’s just in case they show Ken's bare ass or Barbie swears.

Next up was Mahome's favorite target, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. Something tells me he didn't watch a lot of History Channel before it morphed into the Pawn Shop/People Who Live In Swamps Network.

"I'm gonna say Barbie, because what's Oppenheimer."

That's a tough look, Trav-dawg. Even if you haven't heard of the blockbuster movie, the name J. Robert Oppenheimer is a big one in history books. Even the time he quoted from the Bhagavad-Gita should ring a bell.

Not for Travis Kelce, apparently. But do you want to know who it did ring a bell for?

Kirk Cousins.

The Vikings QB was the only one of the six people in this 35-second clip who showed any excitement for Oppenheimer.

"I'm an Oppenheimer guy," Cousins said, in a refreshing change of pace that was for some reason as unsurprising as Kelce having no clue who/what Oppenheimer is/was. "I love history, I love true stories. I was just saying to someone the other day, 'I can't wait to see Oppenheimer.'"

However, Counsins was bumming pretty hard that the new Christopher Nolan movie drops right as training camp begins.

"So the timing is terrible, I've got to find some way to sneak preview it right before camp starts, otherwise we go into camp and I won't get to see it."

Tough break there for Cousins. Let's make sure no one spoils the movie for him (although you can spoil parts of it with basic knowledge of American history. Like that big bomb he was working on does eventually work).

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.