Gymnast McKayla Maroney Talks Startling Battle With Insomnia That Left Her With 10 Days Of Sleep In 3 Months

Former Olympic gymnast Mackayla Maroney has opened up about her recent struggles with insomnia.

The 27-year-old hopped on social media to explain a strange medical situation she found herself in.

Maroney posted to one of her Instagram accounts which focuses on wellness and beauty tips and explained that she battled some serious insomnia over the summer.

"Hopefully you had a hot girl summer because I definitely did not. I had a summer of severe insomnia," Maroney wrote in the caption.

So just how much insomnia is "severe" insomnia?

"I slept a total of 10 days out of 3 months. I’d like to say it was a nightmare, but you have to sleep to have nightmares," she explained.

Whoa. I'm a big sleep guy so I can't even fathom that. If I don't get at least 6.5 to 7 hours at an absolute minimum I spend the entire day like a zombie. That's some rough stuff.

Maroney Said Doctors Managed To Pinpoint The Issue

When the sleeping issue is that drastic, there must be something else at play, and Maroney said that after visiting multiple doctors it was discovered that she has histamine intolerance. The Olympian said that this "was causing a massive adrenaline problem for me — and when it got really bad, high histamine foods made me feel internally itchy, like I was getting bit by mosquitoes all night."

Yup, that sure would make it difficult to sleep.

Maroney also included some photos of her in the throws of her insomnia, in case you needed any evidence of just how vital sleep is for one's well-being

"I still have pretty bad anemia, (low iron) I’m trying to get better from — and I found out high oxalate foods (like spinach, almonds, potatoes) give me massive fatigue, and weird neuropathy issues at night, that was also ruining my sleep," Maroney wrote.

Maroney of course part of the United States' gold medal-winning team at the 2013 Summer Olympics in London. Good to hear she's on the mend because that insomnia sounded brutal.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.