ESPN Reporter Julie Foudy Nearly Plows Kids Over While Sliding Down Hill At LLWS

ESPN reporter and former USWNT player Julie Foudy managed to avoid disaster when the cardboard box she was riding down a hill at the Little League World Series nearly ran over several children.

And it was hilarious... knowing everyone is alright, of course.

Foudy has become a perennial fixture of ESPN's Little League World Series coverage. She's usually tasked with talking to kids' parents and doing fun quasi-bits if there's a blowout unfolding.

She does a great job every year, but this idea had "potential disaster" written all over it.

If you've ever been to the LLWS (hell, even if you haven't) you're aware of the big hill behind the outfield fence of Howard J. Lamade Stadium.

It's a tradition for kids to ride pieces of cardboard down the hill. Having done it in my youth, I can confirm that it's both fun and dangerous.

Foudy and a young fan hopped in a gussied-up box for a trip down the hill. Other youngsters joined them, however, despite Foudy's numerous warnings (ugh, kids these days) a few of them found themselves ahead of Foudy and "The Beast" as she called it.

"Never a good idea, never a good idea," Foudy said once her cardboard whip had ground to a halt (fortunately it did this without any kids wedged beneath it).

Whew, crisis averted.

If you're going to do a good-natured stunt the last thing you want is for children to become collateral damage.

Fortunately, everyone came out of that one (relatively) unscathed and will live to slide down hills another day.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.