Devin Haney's Dad Says Ryan Garcia Should Be Banned From Boxing, Accuses Floyd Mayweather Of Helping Him

According to multiple positive tests, Ryan Garcia was using a performance-enhancing drug ahead of his fight with Devin Haney. Now, Devin's father, Bill Haney, is calling for a lifetime ban for Garcia.

The 140-pound contender tested positive for Ostarine, a banned substance, before his victory over Haney on April 20. On Thursday, Garcia's B-sample came back positive as well.

Devin's father said the two tests prove Garcia is a cheater and that he doesn't belong in boxing.

"Clearly, there's nothing that you can do with this guy but get him out of the sport," Bill told TMZ Sports. "It's a terrible thing. It's a terrible thing for sports in general. It's a terrible thing for boxing."

RELATED: Conor McGregor Unleashes Wild Rant About Ryan Garcia, Calls For Lifetime Ban After Failed Drug Test

Bill also threw some wild accusations at Floyd Mayweather — suggesting the former world champion boxer was the "middle man" for Garcia gaining access to the PED.

"Floyd Mayweather, come out of them bushes hiding and playing and capping," Bill Haney said in a social media video. "On April 20th, you was skinning and grinning from ear to ear. You was happy to tell the world about the 3.2 lbs that you helped Ryan Garcia come in overweight with.

"Now that he tested positive for four PEDs, now you want to head for the hills and go quiet like you in Dubai somewhere. Well, I'm going to tell you, Floyd, wherever you're at, what we and the world want to know is. We know you were the middle man to Ryan Garcia's, but what we want to know is are you the middle man to the steroids?"

Ryan Garcia Still Denies PED Allegations

Not only does Garcia deny that he ever used PEDs, but he also previously made the claim that his support of Donald Trump had something to do with the positive test.

"It’s funny I bring up all these things…how about Gaza? Protect Trump. All these things that I shouldn’t be saying, of course, they’re out to get me," Garcia said in an Instagram Live video.

After his B-sample came back on Thursday, Garcia's legal team said the fighter voluntarily had his hair collected and shipped to Dr. Pascal Kintz, an expert in toxicology and hair-sample analysis. According to a statement sent to OutKick, the results of Ryan’s hair sample came back negative.

"Ryan Garcia is committed to clean and fair competition and has never intentionally used any banned substance," the statement reads. "The results of Ryan’s hair sample came back negative. This is consistent with contamination and demonstrably proves that Ryan had not ingested Ostarine over a period of time — the only way he would have had any advantage whatsoever in the ring."

Now, his team is out to prove Garcia's natural supplements were contaminated and that he did not knowingly ingest the banned substance.

Devin Haney has already submitted an appeal to overturn the result of the April 20 fight. The verdict will be up to the New York State Athletic Commission to decide.