Crack Open A Cold Beer Because College Football Is Officially Back

Ladies and gentlemen, we officially made it to the start of the college football season.

On this glorious Saturday, millions of fans will unite to celebrate the start of the season with Week Zero. Yes, it's Week Zero. That's what it's called. You can argue about it if you want, but there's no changing it.

Week Zero is here and depending on when you're reading this, I'm either a couple beers in or we might have put a hell of a dent into the first case of the season.

Either way, you can rest easy knowing the beers are flowing and the food is going to be going down all day. Just remember, no matter what anybody says, we earned this.

College football returns with Week Zero.

There are seven games today, and the biggest of them all is Navy vs. Notre Dame in Ireland kicking at 2:30 EST on NBC. USC also plays tonight against San Jose State, but as a 30.5-favorite favorite, it's hard to believe that one will be close.

Notre Dame is also a huge favorite, but we're talking about a national broadcast happening over the pond. It just hits different.

More than anything, the first game of the season represents hope, optimism and the belief that this is the year your team finally takes the next step.

The brutal truth is only one of the 129 D1 teams in the country will end the season with the title. The other 128 can only hope for second place.

We can worry about the pain and heartbreak that's inevitably awaiting most of us at a later date. Today is about a breath of fresh air being breathed into all our lungs.

On this day, we all are foolish enough to believe we're destined for greatness.

This time of year brings people together and results in memories of a lifetime.

Today really represents the beginning of the end of an era. College football will change forever starting in 2024.

There will be massive realignment, the PAC-12 is dead, divisions are being eliminated in conferences and we'll be living in a whole different world by this time next year.

Saturday is the start of a swan song for the era we're living in. Soak it up while you can because it will be over before you know it.

One of the things that makes college football so special is that it brings people together. Yes, there are bitter rivalries and the trash talk will be flowing at all times. That's a must, but the sport also brings people together.

It gives old friends a reason to get together at the bar for some beers, tell stories, gamble and much more. Non-football fans just don't get it.

They just don't get the feeling of being six beers deep at Dirty Water in Washington D.C. for the 11th straight Saturday of the season pouring out your soul about how the coaching change just didn't work. Let's not get into it. That one is still a bit too raw.

It truly feels like Christmas and it's only Week Zero. If you're not fired up, you're probably not a real fan. So, on this glorious day, crack open a beer, fire up a grill, get the friends together and let's have ourselves a day.

College football is OFFICIALLY back.

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.