Colin Kaepernick Teamed With Avowed Marxists To Edit His Fake Racism Book

Former backup NFL QB Colin Kaepernick teamed up with avowed Marxists to edit his book.

The New Republic reports that Kaepernick worked with “two of the most prominent black Marxists in the country" to pen the title Our History Has Always Been Contraband: In Defense of Black Studies.

Kaepernick told the outlet he teamed with Marxists out of necessity, claiming "black liberation simply isn’t possible under capitalism."

Per Kaepernick:

“I’ve long admired Keeanga and Robin’s work as well as their uncompromising political analysis and understanding that Black liberation simply isn’t possible under capitalism. I think the anthology makes this argument quite well, and I hope it challenges readers to see that racism is not white supremacy’s only ingredient. White supremacy persists in part because of its relationship with capitalism, heteropatriarchy, ableism, and so on.”

Of course, none of that is true. Though The New Republic journalist to which Kaepernick spoke provided no pushback.

Instead, the writer followed up by insisting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “doesn’t want to read” Kaepernick’s book because of his "obsession with attacking Black Studies.”

“Black Studies and, more generally, a critical engagement with U.S. history, threatens the white supremacist status quo,” Kaepernick responded.

“Any attempt to whitewash the past should actually be understood as a concrete step toward fascism and a desire to build a nation state where power is concentrated in the hands of a self-anointed (read: white) few. That said, I wouldn’t characterize GOP attacks on Black Studies as an ‘obsession’ but rather as core to their white supremacist political project.”

Perhaps Gov. DeSantis would oppose children reading such a book. But it wouldn't be because he hopes to erase black history, as the media dishonestly reports.

Rather, the book is rooted in racial propaganda.

Far from educational is a book in which a privileged former athlete grieves about so-called racial injustices he quite frankly never experienced as a millionaire.

The book also upholds Marxist theories. To that, Kaepernick says to force the white folks to endure.

According to Kaepernick, it is an “absolute necessity in order for [them] to support the black freedom movement without unknowingly doing great harm in the process.”

So, who's a bigger fraud: Kaepernick or Meghan Markle?

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Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.