Chris Russo Wasn't A Fan And Roasted The Tom Brady Roast

While most people found something to like in Netflix's Tom Brady roast, count Chris "Mad Dog" Russo as one guy who was not a fan.

Like, at all.

Russo explained on First Take that radio callers told him he had to watch the roast, so he did, and he was not impressed.

So, he went ahead and roasted the roast with a scathing review of the entire show, as well as a few individuals who were on the dais.

"Kevin Hart, you’re not that funny," Russo said, as transcribed by Awful announcing. "OK? Sorry. Jeff Ross coming in with this freaking O.J. (Simpson) thing on No. 32 — you’re not that funny, either. The girl (Nikki Glaser) is not that funny. Randy Moss stunk. (Julian) Edelman’s not funny. (Drew) Bledsoe’s not that bad — he was the only one. How does Brady subject himself to that nonsense? And I am not a prude, OK? I can deal with the language, but I mean enough, Rodney Dangerfield."

Now hang on… I'm with you on some of that. I thought the OJ thing was hilarious and thought Jeff Ross had one of the best roast sets he's had in years. Nikki Glaser Killed too. 

And what was with that ricochet shot at the late, great Rodney Dangerfield. The guy has been dead for years and still isn't getting any respect. 

No respect at all.


But I agree that Kevin Hart is a little overrated, Randy Moss was a little clunky, and Drew Bledsoe was not bad. I'd even go so far as to say the latter was great. Obviously, he didn't write that material (which, by the way, he would have been the most fun person to write for, in my opinion), but he delivered it all so well.

Russo Fired Off Some Of His Own Roast Material

Russo is entitled to his opinion, but part of me thinks he may be a little upset that he wasn't part of the roast, and that's because he was ready to go with some of his own material.

"That was the worst piece of garbage I’ve seen in a long period of time. That was worthless. And you got Bob Kraft, who should be sitting home, eating cookies, and watching I Love Lucy reruns before he hits the sack. (He’s) sitting there watching this; he’s 85 years old. Bob, act your age for crying out loud!" Russo said.

"What we’re gonna out there and make fun of Gisele for four hours? This is the idea here? We’re gonna sit here and kill (Rob) Gronkowski? I understand he’s a bag of rocks, but enough of them killing Gronkowski. Leave him alone, for crying out loud — it’s not that funny!"

I mean, Nikki Glaser's "Me know that not real money" joke was pretty funny…

However, Russo saved his most scathing comments for the Roastmaster General himself, Jeff Ross.

"It was the worst piece of garbage I’ve ever seen in my life. And you know what? Jeff Ross, take it easy, alright? You’re not funny, either. I wouldn’t go pay for Jeff Ross — none of them. I could do a better job than that. Awful."

I get the sense Russo wants in on the next athlete roast. I mean, didn't that feel like a packet of roast jokes? Some were okay. 

I say give him a shot on the dais at the next one. Maybe have him do a tag-team thing with Mike Francesca. The people would eat it up.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.