Will Cain Debates Best Wingmen In Sports After Bryce Harper Promposal Assist

Bryce Harper recently helped a youngster in New Jersey pull off a promposal that no other kid in that high school can compete with. It's tough to find a better wingman than an MLB superstar like Bryce Harper.

But is Harper the best wingman in sports? That's a question that was up for debate on Fox News' The Will Cain Show on Thursday.

Will and the "Willitia" discussed some potential contenders for this title and I think we need to explore this because they came up with some great options.

Watch the clip below, and then let's dig in. Feel free to send me your thoughts: mattreigleoutkick@gmail.com

Alright, there are some fascinating options on the table, some better than others. So let's kick them around a little, what do ya say?

Cameron Brink

I think when we all hear the question "Who is the best wingman in sports?" we all immediately assume it has to be a dude.

But it's 2024, maaaaaan, and sometimes the best wingman is a winglady.

I mean think about this for a second. If you're rolling with a tall drink of water like Cameron Brink, she's signaling to all the ladies around you that you're cool.

They'll all be like, "If Cameron Brink — who is she, by the way? — thinks he's cool, then so do I."

I think this could be the most effective option on the table, but let's see what else we've got.

Derek Jeter

The fellas alluded to it. Jeter is the ultimate team player, but you've got to remember that you would instantly be compared to him and that might be the last thing you want.

I mean he's rich, successful, and handsome ("He's a biracial angel!") so next to him, we'd all look like poor failures who also happen to be ugly.

Not ideal.

That's not the Captain's fault. I think he'd try hard to get you the girl but in the end, the charm of being one of the greatest Yankees of all time would make all the ladies forget you exist.

Clayton Kershaw

Dodgers ace Clayton Kershaw would be a good choice. 

Considering he's married and devoutly religious I feel like he wouldn't hesitate to funnel any woman who happens to come to him right to you.

He'd be all like, "I'm not single, but my buddy is," and you're off to the races.

It's a no frills approach to wingmanning, but it'd work like a charm.

Julian Edelman

Maybe the worst option discussed.

Don't get me wrong, I think Edelman would try his best to help you out and his stature — 5-foot-10; Nature's perfect height — wouldn't dwarf most of us.

I think the problem with him as a wingman is that even women who know only a tiny bit about football would quickly realize that Edelman is a conduit through which they could meet the single and ready-to-mingle Tom Brady.

It's like the Derek Jeter situation by proxy with Edelman.

Jameis Winston

I think Jameis would make a terrific wingman but in a somewhat untraditional way.

Generally, you need the wingman to pump you up or help you get a foot in the door with a woman, but Jameis is the king of diversions.

The great thing about Jameis is I don't know if it's intentional or unintentional comedy," Cain said. "I don't know if he's in on his own joke. He is hilarious."

That really is the great mystery of Jameis Winston, isn't it? It's hard to tell if he's crazy or Andy Kaufman-ing all of us.

So who would you take? One of these options? Someone else? Let me know who you'd want as your wingman for a night on the town by sending an email to mattreigleoutkick@gmail.com.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.