Seahawks' DK Metcalf Shows Off His Met'calves With Ridiculous Leather Skirt

D.K. Metcalf didn't have time to change between Thursday night's Seattle Seahawks and Dallas Cowboys game and playing an extra in "Mean Girls 2."

Metcalf, a hulking NFL wideout, appeared at AT&T Stadium wearing chunky Doc Martens boots, a leather black skirt and the top half of an outfit he stole from Hot Topic.

The sling bag, badly trimmed hoodie and tatted Met'calves ... meh, not the best look.

If that's what he's wearing in public, imagine what he's got inside those carry-ons. Egad.

"Dawg what is he wearing? Oh my god we lost," one X commenter reacted.

"Dudes heading to a metal show after the game," another chimed in.

Luckily for Metcalf, the Seahawks (6-5) sport their throwback uniforms for Thursday night's game, which should save him from this sartorial misfire.

This season, NFL players — who, holistically, dress better than NBA players, though that's a low bar —  have been firing off ridiculous pre-game outfits.

Gone are the days when players wearing oversized hats were the craziest things caught on camera.

Now it's male purses, Avril Lavigne cosplay and other looks men with NFL physiques should avoid. One can't help but think "Bubonic Plague" with a glance at Metcalf's Thursday Night Football 'fit.

Seattle hopes to slow down their slide in the NFC standings against an 8-3 Dallas team.

(UPDATE: Metcalf scored 3 TDs on Thursday ... my leather skirt arrives on Monday.)

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Alejandro Avila lives in Southern California and previously covered news for the LA Football Network. Jeopardy expert and grumpy sports fan. Known for having watched every movie and constant craving for dessert. @alejandroaveela (on X)