Moderna Executives Spent Millions on Luxury Homes Due to COVID Vaccine Sales
There have been few better jobs over the past few years than being an executive at Moderna or Pfizer.
A new report from the Daily Mail details the incredible financial success at Moderna stemming from the sales of millions of doses of mRNA vaccines to global governments.
Sure, vaccine efficacy rapidly wanes, resulting in the need for booster shots, which in turn enrich Moderna executives even further. And sure, the initial estimates of vaccine efficacy were wildly overstated, as even Deborah Birx now admits.
Even the boosters that we're told by experts and the media are an inarguable necessity, are only around 20% effective, according to new research:
But none of that has stopped Moderna from racking up record profits after never having delivered a single pre-COVID vaccine product.
The biggest financial beneficiaries of that incredible rise to riches have been Moderna employees, who have apparently engaged in a real estate war in Boston with other wealthy pharmaceutical company executives.
The competition for luxury, multi-million dollar real estate has gotten so fierce that, according to the report, one high ranking, unnamed Moderna employee specifically demanded to be one floor higher than the competition at Pfizer:
"One unnamed Moderna executive put in an offer to buy a unit on the 17th floor of the St. Regis building overlooking Boston's harbor for $4.9 million on the same day a Pfizer exec bought a condo in the same building on the 16th floor for $4.8 million.
The sales director for the building, Cathy Angelini, told the Journal the Moderna executive told her that he wanted his home to be one floor higher than the Pfizer exec. She said: 'He just looked at me, completely serious and said, 'I want the same home, but I need to be one floor higher than Pfizer.'"
The aforementioned Moderna executive was described as not being "concerned about the price."
It certainly seems like it pays well to have a product that needs updating every six months with desperate, panicked world governments as your primary client.
Must be nice.

Rendering of the St. Regis Residences in Boston
The executive paying in the $4.9 million range must have been only a Vice President or below, considering that the company's "Chief human resource officer" bought a house for $6 million in April 2021.
There are many more examples spreading into New York and elsewhere.
The company might also have benefitted these executives that politicians, universities and corporates mandated vaccines as a condition of employment or attendance, despite the overwhelming evidence that they did not prevent infection or transmission.
Even now, New Zealand is near the world's highest current death rate with exceptionally high vaccination coverage:

So sure, Moderna overpromised and underdelivered while turning their business model into an endless, indefinite profit machine, but at least their top execs will be able to relax in their mansions after another hard day developing the 8th booster with 20% efficacy.