Malcolm Jenkins Is A Hypocritical Fraud
You remember Malcolm Jenkins. The guy who cried when Drew Brees said he was going to stand for the National Anthem. The head of the Player’s Association. The guy who went on Instagram and cried.
You remember. He said:
“Oh, this man had a different opinion than me. I’m going to get on Instagram and I’m going to cry. How dare he say that he’s going to stand for the national anthem and reference his two grandfathers who fought against Nazis.
“How dare he say he’s going to stand for national anthem. Tears are coming down my cheeks. I’m a grown man and somebody had a different opinion than me. I’m crying. Oh my God, how could you do this Drew Brees?
“How could you stand for the national anthem? How could you show respect for your grandfathers who fought actual Nazis. Don’t you understand? I’m pretending to fight Nazis everyday that I make up in my head on social media.”
Malcolm Jenkins hasn’t said anything about Desean Jackson all week. He hasn’t said one thing about Desean Jackson’s anti-semitic comments suggesting that Hitler was right.
On Friday, Malcolm Jenkins finally sat down in front of his computer and decided to say something.
He said Jewish people aren’t their problem. He said Jewish people were distracting from their purpose which is Black Lives Matter.
Hold up a minute. Malcolm Jenkins told us that silence was violence. Malcolm Jenkins told us that silence was complicity.
One of his colleagues in the NFL just shared an anti-semitic opinion and he said Jewish people aren’t their problem.
Excuse me? Jewish people didn’t do anything.
They were attacked by one of your colleagues in the NFL, Malcolm. Maybe I’m mistaken but it seems to me that anti-semitism has been a problem for thousands of years.
What your colleague in the NFL shared was the same stereotypes that fed the Holocaust. It is the same stereotypes that has fed anti-semitism throughout history.
And you are saying Jewish people aren’t your problem? And they are a distraction from the things you really care about?
I’m sorry, the NFL social justice warriordom and the NBA’s social justice warriordom both went up in flames today.
Because what you found out is these people don’t care about truth and justice. They don’t care about trying to make the world a better place. They want someone to blame and if it requires looking internally and casting blame at anyone who looks like anything like them, it’s a distraction.
Can you imagine if a white player in the NBA — in the middle of the Black Lives Matter movement — said, “Hey, you know what? This whole Black Lives Matter movement is a big distraction.”
That player would have gotten run out of the league.
Drew Brees had to apologize more for saying he stands for the national anthem than Desean Jackson had to apologize for sharing anti-semitic opinions.
NFL players were more offended by Drew Brees standing to support hi grandfathers who fought Nazis than they were by Desean Jackson’s anti-semitism.
And Malcolm Jenkins who is supposed to be the voice of reason, who NFL owners have given tens of millions of dollars to, his opinion is that Jewish issues are a distraction because Jewish people aren’t black peoples’ problem.
This is so insanely hypocritical and stupid that it should be the number one story in sports right behind Woj’s comments.
In one fell swoop of an afternoon and morning, everything that has been going on, the Charge of the Woke Brigade got absolutely flattened because we saw that they are hypocritical chumps.
When push came to shove, this was a complete collapse.
Everyone at ESPN who has — in any way — that has allowed Woj and the culture he represents when he said “fuck you” to a United States senator from his ESPN email address should be ashamed.
Everyone who has, in any way, given money to Malcolm Jenkins and allowed him to attain any measure of power — including ESPN who employs him — should be ashamed.
What you are seeing is that these guys are 100% complete and total shills. They are untrustworthy.