Oregon State Unveils: The Turnover Chainsaw

With 1:44 seconds remaining in the first quarter Oregon State's Jaydon Grant picked off Washington State quarterback Jayden DE Laura. Is everyone named Jaden these days? Anyways, they unveiled the cheesiest celebration we've ever seen.

The "turnover chainsaw."

It's without a doubt a real chainsaw as you can visibly see dust flaking off the blades in plain sight. Yes, we know the blades are technically off the machine, but chainsaws should only be seen in a haunted house or in our front yards. At least some credit for creativity? Some ideas sound a lot better than the way they turn out.

The turnover chainsaw is about as bad of an idea as the Shoe Umbrella. We love the celebrations in college football, so hopefully Oregon State can put their thinking caps on for something better next week. It's only up from here.

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Gary Sheffield Jr is the son of should-be MLB Hall of Famer, Gary Sheffield. He covers basketball and baseball for OutKick.com, chats with the Purple and Gold faithful on LakersNation, and shitposts on Twitter. You can follow him at GarySheffieldJr