OnlyFans Model Who Smeared Horsecrap On Herself In Austin Claims She Did It To Celebrate Stopping A George Floyd Moment

If "Keep Austin Weird" is the goal, then the newly dubbed "Poop Girl" is out here working overtime.

The wild OnlyFans model ($10.10/month),who goes by Madam Jubilee on Instagram, is the maniac who was filmed over the weekend rubbing horsecrap all over her face and body as things got real crazy on Austin's 6th Street where it's been a summer of fights and pure mayhem.

Hold up, before you jump to conclusions, Madam Jubilee would like to explain what was going on when she was rubbing horsecrap from Austin's finest equestrian division all over herself. She claims this was her celebration for stopping another possible "I can't breathe" George Floyd moment.

That's what she's claiming.

Look, Madam Jubilee is full of crap, but let's allow her to give her version of events.

"Somewhere out there, there is a video of me rolling around in horse manure on sixth street," Madam explained on Instagram Story. "Tbh, it's kind of f--kced up. This guy was jumped by four police officers. Holding him down on his back on the ground. I can't breathe running in my head. The commotion made the horses s--t themselves," the OF model continued.

"It was like their ibs acted up bc of how s--tty we treat each other. As the police took the man away, I went straight to that pile of s--t...Sat the f--k down and started rolling around in it. I send love and prayers to the goddes for protection over the man(.) I think it could have escalated but I laid on the ground a foot away, eye to eye, as the police kneed on top of him. I think it startled them and made them stand up quickly and carry the man away."

What the hell is Madam Jubilee talking about?

That's her at the end of the video of the full incident posted by the Steven Spielberg of Austin's 6th Street, who goes by "TX Street Fights" on Twitter. About halfway through the street chaos, you'll see a black dude sucker-punch a Hispanic dude and then the police eventually chase the black dude down the street. It appears they drop him with a Taser after he doesn't comply with orders.

That's when we meet Madam Jubilee. That's her laying in the street.

In a wild turn of events, Poop Girl is trying to claim she's not some leftist maniac as Instagram users are painting her.

"lol I'm a balanced, not a leftist. I don't go to the left or the right, duality is for pussys," the poop smearer writes.

Uh, OK.

Austin-born black man Terrany Johnson wasn't having it.

"Do NOT use 'can't breathe' as a reason for your dumb shit! That is insulting to all people who have been abused and or killed by police and said they couldn't breath. Pay his bail if you really care not for clicks and fake likes. GTFOH," he wrote.

Madam Jubilee had to be on drugs during all of this, right? There's no way a sane person would start rubbing horse s--t all over themselves if drugs weren't running through the blood stream...right?

"(J)ust pure sparkling essence friend," Jubilee wrote on IG.

And with that, you have yet another reason to steer clear of 6th Street in Austin unless you're looking for trouble -- or Madam Jubilee rolling around in a pile of s--t.

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.